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How to Make Wine Labels

If you make your own wine, or simply want to spruce up a wine bottle for a party, you can make wine labels with two Microsoft programs: Microsoft Office and Microsoft Publisher. These programs allow you to customize your own wine labels with text and graphics. Impress your guests with your own bottle of wine customized to suit the theme of the party. Designing your own wine labels is simple after you familiarize yourself with the basics of these programs.

Open the Microsoft Publisher Catalog. Choose "Labels" and then select "Borders Shipping Label." You will see a button that says "Start Wizard." Select this option, and then choose "Finish."

Select the "Business Name" box and hit delete on your keyboard. You will also need to delete the line under the box, and the business logo. If you do not know where the delete button is on your keyboard, simply right-click on each object and select "Cut."

Use the "Label Wizard" box on the left side of your screen. Choose the "Color Scheme" for your wine label.

Choose the "Primary Business Address" box and change the text with the font options located on the tool bar. You can add any text in this box that you will want displayed on the wine label. Try changing the size, color and style of the text to suit the theme of your wine bottle. Once you change the text in the "Primary Business Address" box, select the "Mailing Address" box and elect to change the text. Use the "Text Frame" tool to add any additional text.

Select each box and drag it to the center of your wine label. Insert a picture to your label by selecting the "Insert" menu, selecting "Picture" and clicking "Clip Art." In the search box you can look for clip art to match your wine bottle. Select the image you want, and click "Insert Clip Art." You can change the size of the clip art by dragging any of the corners to resize the image.

Print the wine labels on sticker paper. Select "Print" from the "File Menu." Once the label prints, cut it out with scissors and stick it on to your bottle.

Make Wine Labels with Microsoft Word

Step 1

Open a new document in Microsoft Word. When the "New Document" window opens, select "Labels" on the left side of the box and choose "Mailing and Shipping" and then click "Business Labels." Select the appropriate size label for your wine bottle.

Step 2

Highlight the text on each label and hit the backspace or delete button on the keyboard. Use the "Tool Bar" to add your own text. You can experiment with the size, color and font style of your text.

Step 3

Choose the "Insert" tab located on the toolbar. Select to insert a "Picture" or "Clip Art." When you select to insert a picture, you will need to locate it on your computer. Once you select to insert clip art, a search box will appear on the right side of the screen. Type any keywords to find the appropriate clip art for the wine label.

Step 4

Use the "Insert" tab to add more details to your wine label. You can add another text box, draw a shape and even add a border and background color to your label.

Step 5

Select "Print" from the "File Menu." Select "Properties" and ensure that you print the label in the highest quality. Once the label prints, cut it out with scissors and stick it onto your wine bottle.

Automated Data Labeling vs Manual Data Labeling: Optimizing Annotation

Accurately labeled datasets are the raw material for the machine and deep learning revolution. Vast quantities of data are required to train new generations of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Correctly labelled images train AI systems to reliably distinguish between a stop sign and pedestrian or between a raised hand and a raised gun. Demand for data labeling for vision-based machine learning is therefore growing rapidly. AI developers increasingly need larger training datasets that maintain the accuracy that is so vital for safety and reliability.

How do we go about creating the accurate, scalable datasets that industry needs? To begin answering this question we first need to consider automated data labeling vs manual data labeling. The differences between these approaches to data labeling point the way forward for smart dataset creation.

Automatic Data Labeling: Machines Training Machines

Automatic data labeling processes have the potential to overcome some of the challenges presented by the laborious annotation cycle. After training from a labeled dataset, a machine learning model can be applied to a set of unlabeled data. The model should then be able predict the appropriate labels for the new dataset. Automated data labeling algorithms can be improved via human input. After the AI has labeled the raw data, a human annotator reviews and verifies the labels. Accurately labeled data can then take its place in the training dataset. If the annotator observes mistakes in the labeling they can then proceed to correct it. This corrected data can then also be used to train the labeling AI.

The Auto-label AI is capable of handling the majority of easily identified labels. This has the advantage of greatly speeding up the initial labeling stage. However, automated data labeling still produces a significant amount of errors that could prove costly when fed through to an AI model.

Manual Data Labeling: The Human Touch

Manual data labeling generally means individual annotators identifying objects in images or video frames. These annotators comb through hundreds of thousands of images hoping to construct comprehensive, quality AI training data. Specific labeling techniques are applied to the raw data depending on the needs of the developer. These techniques include:

  • Bounding box annotation: A rectangle is drawn around the object in the image allowing an AI to recognise/avoid it. This technique is more common due to its relative simplicity and is therefore more cost effective.

  • Polygon annotation: In this case the annotator is required to plot vertices around an object in order to more accurately capture its shape.

  • Semantic segmentation: This is a technique used for grouping together objects in an image e.g. separating roads from buildings. This type of labeling is more precise and therefore more difficult.

  • Manual data labeling has the potential to be somewhat labour intensive. Each instance of labeling may take seconds but the multiplicative effect of thousands of images could create a backlog and impede a project. This is why many AI developers are opting to use professional data annotation services, such as Keymakr, to produce their machine learning datasets. A managed workforce of experienced annotators is able to scale manual data labeling to the demands of any project. Significant advancements have been made with automated labeling algorithms. However, well-trained human annotators remain the go-to when it comes to precision and quality in training datasets. Manual labeling is able to capture the edge cases that automated systems continue to miss, and knowledgeable human managers are able to ensure quality across huge volumes of data.

Requirements for the Art merit badge:
  1. Discuss the following with your counselor:

    1. What art is and what some of the different forms of art are

    2. The importance of art to humankind

    3. What art means to you and how art can make you feel

  2. Discuss with your counselor the following terms and elements of art: line, value, shape, form, space, color, and texture. Show examples of each element.

  3. Discuss with your counselor the six principles of design: rhythm, balance, proportion, variety, emphasis, and unity.

  4. Render a subject of your choice in FOUR of these ways:

    1. Pen and ink,

    2. Watercolors,

    3. Pencil,

    4. Pastels,

    5. Oil paints,

    6. Tempera,

    7. Acrylics,

    8. Charcoal

    9. Computer drawing or painting

  5. Do ONE of the following:

    1. Design something useful. Make a sketch or model of your design. With your counselor's approval, create a promotional piece for the item using a picture or pictures.

    2. Tell a story with a picture or pictures or using a 3-D rendering.

    3. Design a logo. Share your design with your counselor and explain the significance of your logo. Then, with your parent's permission and your counselor's approval, put your logo on Scout equipment, furniture, ceramics, or fabric.

  6. With your parent's permission and your counselor's approval, visit a museum, art exhibit, art gallery, artists' co-op, or artist's workshop. Find out about the art displayed or created there. Discuss what you learn with your counselor.

  7. Find out about three career opportunities in art. Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession. Discuss this with your counselor, and explain why this profession might interest you.

esgeg Sep 27 '22
Types of Compression Springs

Compression springs ;are coil springs that hold mechanical energy in their compressed states. When these springs experience a compression load, they compress and become shorter, capturing and storing significant potential force. Once the load is diminished or removed, the stored energy forces the springs back to their original shapes and lengths.

Compression springs are helical—i.e., spiral-like—springs. When force isn’t applied to them, they demonstrate an open-coiled design. However, as pressure presses down along the axis of the spring, the coils push tighter against each other. This effect shortens the length of the spring and stores energy. Once the pressure ceases, the stored energy returns the spring to its original height.

The types of compression springs available include:

Convex springs

Convex springs (i.e., barrel-shaped springs) have coils with larger diameters in the middle of the spring and coils with smaller diameters on both ends. This design allows the coils to fit within each other when the spring is compressed. Manufacturers use convex springs in applications that require more stability and resistance to surging as the springs decompress. Most applications that use them are in the automotive, furniture, and toy industries.

Concave springs

Concave springs (i.e., hourglass springs) have narrower coils in the middle of the spring than on either end. The symmetrical shape helps ensure the springs stay centered over a particular point.

Conical springs

Conical springs (i.e., tapered springs) are shaped like cones. One end has a larger diameter than the other, and the coils throughout the spring provide a gradual taper or change in size. Some conical springs have enough change in diameter from the coil to the coil so that each coil fits into the previous one.

Straight coil springs

In these springs, every coil has the same diameter. Straight coils are some of the most common springs in use.

Variable pitch springs

Variable pitch springs have different distances between each coil up and down the length of the spring.

Volute springs

These springs are cone-shaped. However, instead of having wire coils, the coils are formed from a curved sheet of metal or other material.

What Is an Extension Spring?

Extension springs ;store energy and exert a pulling force between two mechanisms. When mechanisms separate, the extension spring tries to bring them together again. Extension springs use round wire to create a close-wound design with initial tension.

How Extension Springs Work

An extension spring’s ends attach between two mechanisms. The extension springs hooks and loops store and absorbs energy. Through hooks or loops, an extension spring provides return force to connected mechanisms. Tightly wound extension springs typically sit in the no-load position. More stress in the end hooks—as opposed to the spring body—limits the performance of extension springs.

Common Applications of Extension Springs

Extension springs use a variety of hook or loop end configurations to fit specific functions. Extension spring ends include threaded inserts, extended twist loops, crossover center loops, hooks, expanded eyes, reduced eyes, rectangular ends, and teardrop-shaped ends. Modify the length of hooks and the spring body distance for customized extension spring fits and functions. Find extension springs in a variety of everyday items, from garage doors to tools to washing machines to toys. The variety in size makes extension springs versatile as they are used in small medical devices and off-road machinery. ;

What Are Torsion Springs?

torsion spring ;is a component made from an elastic material that, when twisted, exerts a moment resisting the rotation. Common types of torsion springs include helical torsion springs, torsion bars, and spiral wound torsion springs.

Helical torsion springs are made from a material, typically sprung steel spring wire, and formed into a helix. At each end, the helix extends to form two straight legs through which the torque is applied. A circular mandrill inside the coil, or a circular housing around the coil, is used to retail the position of the spring. The legs typically extend tangentially, which results in the lowest stresses. However, radial and axial legs are also used at times.

Helical torsion springs are used in a wide range of applications, with wire diameters ranging from fractions of a millimeter to over an inch. Light-duty torsion springs are typically used as return springs in electrical devices, whereas heavy-duty springs are used in applications such as folding seats and door returns

Torsion bars are simply straight bars of elastic material that can be twisted to their elastic limit. Torsion bars of typically constructed from steel or rubber. They are often used for heavy-duty applications, such as the suspension of trucks and tanks. ;

Torsion bar suspension is extremely durable because of its mechanical simplicity. It is also compact and allows for easy adjustments. Very light-duty torsion bars may require tension to generate a restoring torque, which is referred to as a torsion fiber.

A spiral wound torsion spring is formed from a spring wire, or more commonly a thin strip of sprung steel, coiled into a flat spiral. This configuration allows large angular deflections of many revolutions, with relatively little variation in torque during the movement. Spiral wound torsion springs are, therefore, used in clockwork devices, clocks, and other devices that require energy to be stored and consistently released in this way.

Power springs are a special type of spiral wound spring that can exert a consistent torque over many revolutions, they are sometimes referred to as clock springs or motor springs. Power springs are wound tightly within a case to provide a high energy density. ;

What Are ;Wire Forms?

Wire forms ;are finished-shaped wire that has been manufactured from wire spools into a specified configuration. They can take nearly any form, often featuring springs with custom ends, and can range in size from very small to very large. Essentially a wire form is a length of wire that has had an exterior force applied to it in order to create a specific shape designed for a specific job.

The wire form can be bent, cut, cut with angles, wound right/left, shaped with closed coils, can have additional pieces added to it, and just about anything that a customer can think of. Because of the versatility of wire forms, it is not an exaggeration to say that they can be found, in one form or another, in almost every industry.

What Are ;the Advantages or Benefits of Using Conical Coil Springs?

Conical coil springs ;are basically compression springs coiled in increasing or decreasing outer diameters thus making their shape a cone or tapered one. These springs tend to reduce the solid height and provide stability.

Conical coil springs are also known as tapered springs or cone springs. One of the advantages of tapered springs is that they provide stability to those sprigs that have a large slenderness ratio. The slenderness ratio defines whether the spring will bend or buckle during compression/deflection. A high slenderness ratio means that the compression spring's free length is more than 4 times larger in comparison to the outer diameter. In other words, it has a 4 to 1 ratio. Its length is too long in proportion to its outer diameter and this, by laws of physics, will cause the spring to deform when it travels down to a desired solid height. Now let's move on to the other benefit of conical compression springs; the reduction of the solid height.

Due to its tapered cone shape, some cone springs have the diameters adjusted to a point where they'll perform a telescope effect when deflecting. The way to do this is by making sure that the inner diameter into which the next coil will compress is larger than the next coil's outer diameter. This will cause the smaller coil's outer diameter to compress into the larger coil's inner diameter. If the spring has enough elasticity to compress to solid height, your spring's solid height will be the size of the wire diameter since it will compress down to the last coil. If you don't need such a small solid height, the smaller coil's outer diameter doesn't necessarily have to be smaller than the larger coil's inner diameter since we are using a round wire. As you can see from the image to the right, the round wire still allows some telescope effect, giving you more travel space and a smaller solid height. This reduces the solid height as well but it will not produce a full telescope effect where the solid height equals your wire diameter.

svaw Sep 27 '22
What is a PCBA and How to Create Your Custom PCBA?

Introduction of PCBA

A Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) is a piece of electrical equipment that supports and connects the electrical and electronic components. It uses conductive tracks, pads, and features that are etched from copper layers, laminated on or between the sheet layers of a substrate that is non-conductive. The components are usually soldered on the PCB to connect them electrically and mechanically.

How to Get a Custom PCBA

Step1. The first step in designing a custom PCB is in creating a schematic view. ;

The required component is placed on a canvas and their pins are connected with lines that represent the electrical connections. The components usually are taken from a component library which is a part of the design software.

There may be multiple variations of the same components depending upon the type of package being used e.g. dual inline package or a surface mounted chip. The packages may seem the same in the schematic view but are very different in the layout view where the board is actually designed.

Apart from the components and their electrical connections, power, and ground signals are also needed. Also, connectors have to be placed on the PCB to make a place for power and ground. The board also needs to be connected to external devices such as potentiometers and LEDs etc.

Step 2. Once everything is placed in its place, an electric rule check is run to ensure no evident faults. ;

These may include breaks in wires or connections or any missing connection to ground or power etc. Once the schematic is done, the board layout view is checked.

Step 3. The components are moved at proper places that make good sense.

Step 4. For the board production, signals are assigned to each layer and varying signals on a single layer cannot touch.

Step 5. After the signals are laid, a design rule check needs to run to ensure proper placement of holes, traces, etc. These rules can be customized as well.

Step 6. If the design is approved, the design files can be uploaded. ;

Automatic Guided Vehicles

Computer-controlled and wheel-based, automatic guided vehicles (AGV) are load carriers that travel along the floor of a facility without an onboard operator or driver. Their movement is directed by a combination of software and sensor-based guidance systems. Because they move on a predictable path with precisely controlled acceleration and deceleration and include automatic obstacle detection bumpers, AGV ;provides safe movement of loads. Typical AGV applications include transportation of raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods in support of manufacturing production lines, and storage/retrieval or other movements in support of picking in warehousing and distribution applications.

What Is an Automatic Guided Vehicle?

There are several types of AGVs. These include:

Automated carts - The simplest kind of AGV with minimal features for the lowest cost implementation.

Unit load AGVs - Individual vehicles that transport loads (typically pallets, bins, carts, or bundles) on forks or on the AGV's deck. Roll-handling AGVs specifically handle heavy rolls of steel or paper.

Tugger AGVs – Powered units pulling a series of non-motorized trailers that each carries a load.

Automated forklift AGVs - An existing forklift truck whose controls have been converted to allow unmanned operation

Typically battery-powered, AGV systems consist of multiple vehicles that navigate along pre-defined guide paths. Vehicles navigate in the facility using several guidance technologies including floor-surface mounted magnetic tape or bars, lasers, optical sensors, and magnet/gyroscope-based inertial guidance. These guidance technologies make it easy to change the routes and expand the AGV system in response to facility changes for a flexible and scalable material handling solution.

For real-time control and monitoring of multiple AGVs, computer-based software uses wireless connections to collect data about each unit’s current location, then interfaces with software for destination and routing logic. The software directs the vehicles' travel by wirelessly communicating specific tasks to the AGVs via radio frequency (RF). Instructions include stops, starts, changing speed, lifting, lowering, multi-point turns, reverses, diverging from the guide path, and interfacing with other material handling equipment and systems—both automated and static.

What Is a Laser Guided Vehicle

If you're searching for a fast, accurate, and reliable alternative to regular automated guided vehicles (AGVs), you may want to consider upgrading to laser-guided vehicles (LGVs). LGVs are a type of AGV that is equipped with a Laser Navigation Triangulation system, the same type of navigation technology that’s commonly used in automated forklifts. This means they navigate using a laser positioning system, unlike older iterations of AGVs, which usually rely on a sensor or software-based guidance system. Laser Guide AGVs ;may be the key to boosting your warehouse's efficiency, but to reap their benefits, you need to know what they are and how they work. So, what is a laser-guided vehicle, and what kind of benefits do they provide?

What Are Laser Guide AGVs? How Do They Work?

LGVs are AGVs with Laser Navigation Triangulation. They navigate their way around the warehouse using a laser positioning system. They have one or more two-dimensional navigation lasers, which are referred to as either a Navigation Device or Laser Emitter. These navigation lasers are elevated anywhere from 10 to 15 feet in the air and spin at several revolutions per second. The rotating sensors emit a continuous, fan-shaped beam of modulated light, which interacts with reflective strips of tape that are installed on the floor of the warehouse. These reflectors can be either flat or cylindrical, both of which have their own benefits and advantages. The LGV uses the signals it receives from the reflectors to triangulate the vehicle’s position. Depending on the manufacturer, some devices will calculate and correct their positioning 30 to 40 times per second. This makes them highly accurate and reduces the need for corrections.

The Advantages of Laser Guided Vehicles

Now that you're familiar with what a laser-guided vehicle is, you’d probably like to learn more about its benefits. LGVs are flexible, fast, and efficient. They can make a valuable addition to your warehouse if you need speed and accuracy or have a complex system with more than one destination and track. Additionally:

They're quick and easy to install. The installation isn't invasive, either. All you'll need to do is place reflectors around the facility. This means that LGVs won't affect the neatness of your warehouse.

They're incredibly accurate. The positioning algorithms are very advanced and allow for a position accuracy of + 5 mm.

They're fast. A high-speed LGV can reach up to 6.5/sec.

They're easy to maintain. The only regular maintenance you'll have to perform is keeping the reflectors clean.

They're easy to modify. You can quickly and easily change routes by modifying the software.

Magnetic Stripe Guide AGV

Magnetic Stripe Guide AGV is using soft magnetic backing material coated with rubber. It is mainly used as a ground magnetic navigation line to guide the operation of automatic navigation vehicle AGV, automatic trolley AGC, and trackless mobile shelves.

Applications & Instructions of AGV Navigation Magnetic Stripe Tape

Magnetic Stripe Guide AGV is mainly used as a ground magnetic navigation line to guide the operation of automatic navigation vehicle AGV, automatic trolley AGC, and trackless mobile shelves.

Patch-type magnetic strip tape

The floor is kept dry and free of dust. After the adhesive film is torn open, it is attached to the ground and kept for 8 hours to work( the imported glue for 12 hours ).

Buried magnetic strip tape

The ground needs to be slotted, and a 0.55mm error is reserved. The embedded magnetic strip tape is embedded and the work is completed. ;


QR code AGV logistics robots are intelligent warehouse materials handling robots developed by IKV. Their speed can reach 80m/min. are capable to transport the materials on the shelves from the huge storage areas to the designated places according to orders, facilitating operators to carry the secondary sorting and packaging out of the warehouse. The robots not only effectively improve the efficiency of warehouse inbound and outbound, but also reduce labor and error rates, and save operating costs.

svaw Sep 27 '22
A Merry Morning Pet Perfume

Capture the spirit of the season with this inviting feel good accord. The fragrance unfolds with a zesty, uplifting fusion of citrus, orange, and lemon while the heart of jasmine and fresh pine is embraced by the warmth of cinnamon, clove, and ginger. All of this gently descends onto a sensuous fond of woods and musk.

Our A Merry Morning Pet perfume ;is a great after-bath time scent for use between washes for the just-washed fresh smell, a perfect pet perfume for male and female animals. Use as a finishing spray after a grooming session and between bathing to freshen the coat.

Pawlicious Pet Perfumes not only smells great but also contain added conditioner to nourish and protect the coat and antibacterial properties that ensure the coat is clean and made from only the best quality fragrance oils.

Perfect for your furry friends who like to roll in stinky stuff (even fox poo)! Or for when you need to clean the animal and shampoo and water aren't an option, spray onto the coat and brush or rub through to remove the dirt whilst the formula cleans, nourishes, and leaves a delightful scent.

As used by groomers who return pets to their owners with that freshly groomed scent, you can now keep that just groomed feeling until the next visit to the groomer.

We have a huge range of beautiful fragrances so you can match your furry best friend to its ideal scent.

How to use:

Simply apply lightly through a dry coat as required, or after a grooming session as a finishing spray. Do not spray directly at the eyes, mouth, or ears.

All malicious pet products are manufactured in the UK to the highest standards using Pure Scented cosmetic grade ingredients, if we wouldn’t put it on ourselves, we wouldn't put it on our pets!

All label information required for CLP is provided when you buy the product to create your labels

Arm & Hammer For Pets Super Deodorizing Spray for Dogs | Best Odor Eliminating Spray for All Dogs & Puppies | Arm & Hammer Baking Soda Formula with Kiwi Blossom Scent, 8 Fl Oz - 2 Pack

Bathe your dog with dog perfume. Arm & Hammer uses the power of baking soda to refresh a stinky coat and eliminate odor. The baking soda dissolves into fine particles, getting into hard-to-reach areas, resulting in a deeper clean. This shampoo will make bath time a pleasant experience for you and your pet and is safe to use with topical flea and tick treatments. Our odor eliminator sprays for dogs are a combination of odor eliminators and a fresh kiwi blossom scent to work hard on one job: getting rid of even the smelliest odors. Our formula is gentle enough for all dogs and puppies to use, and leaves behind a sweet smell that they'll love! It is effective whether you need to eliminate wet dog odor (use liberally and comb through gently) or if you need to deodorize dry dog scent (for short-haired dogs, spray the Arm & Hammer deodorizing spray into your hand then lightly massage into the coat). This product works on virtually any dog--even dogs with sensitive skin--and it is made with all-natural ingredients. This comes with 2, 8 oz bottles of our super deodorizing spray for pets. DIRECTIONS: Spray dog from back of ears to tail, carefully avoiding eyes. Massage into the coat. Repeat as necessary. Can be used on wet or dry fur. For external use only. INGREDIENTS: Water, Coconut Based Surfactants, Sodium Bicarbonate, Actinidia Chinensis (Kiwi) Fruit Extract, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Flower Extract, Honey, Rosmarinus Officinal (Rosemary) Leaf Extract, Verbena Officinalis Flower Extract, Citrus Medica Limonum (Lemon) Peel Oil, Yogurt Extract, Glycerin, Disodium EDTA, Fragrance, DMDM Hydantoin. WARNINGS: For external use only. Safe for dogs 8 weeks of age and older. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children.

Pet Dry Cleaning Treatment Powder

New fur parents might feel the need to shower their puppy often because of their oily and sticky coats. However, a proper dry clean with Pet Dry Cleaning Treatment Powder; when done right, can even remove the poo stains on their fur and eye discharge.

How to dry clean your dog's coat

To remove excess sebum from the coat:

Instead of showering your dog, you can opt to dry clean their fur. You just need to sprinkle the dry cleaning powder evenly on the coat and brush it layer by layer with a slicker brush. Use your left hand to hold the coat and right hand to brush it forward slowly, so that the root of the fur is brushed thoroughly. The dirt, sebum, and tangled hair will be removed and fluffiness will return.

To remove poo stains from the coat:

If there are minor poo stains on the coat, instead of wiping it with a wet tissue or wet cloth, dry cleaning powder could be more effective and less messy. Because the dry powder won’t moisten and spread the area of the stain. But of course, if it’s a case of serious diarrhea, then a proper water shampoo bath is required.

To dry clean the face area:

When dry cleaning the face area, cover the eyes with your palm and sprinkle the dry cleaning powder onto the face so that the eyes, nose, and mouth are protected. When brushing the face area, you can use a pin comb instead.

Pet Shampoo

With extensive knowledge from the most experienced veterinarians, pharmacists, and chemists, BIOGANCE? has created pet care products that are made with premium organic ingredients. These pet shampoos ;are made to be pet and environmentally friendly. To add on, they are free of paraben phenoxyethanol and animal oils, allowing your canine and feline friends to maintain their skin and coat health.

It is essential to care for your pet's hygiene as their skin and coat help to protect against infection and shield them from harmful environmental elements. Other than ensuring that your pet has a healthy diet, skincare plays a huge role in determining their skin and coat health as well. With the best pet care products, BIOGANCE? is sure to satisfy your pet's skincare needs. ;

Warren London Butter Dog Conditioner – Best Overall

Our best pet conditioner, the Warren London 844178 Hydrating Butter Conditioner, is the top choice we could find on the market. It’s a leave-in conditioner. Once your dog is out of the bath and towel-dried, you can run the conditioner through the hair as directed and allow it to dry. There is no rinsing out required.

Not only does it aid in coat smoothness—but it also helps with itchy, dry skin. If your dog is prone to excessive itchiness from allergies or other irritants, it’s a great idea to alleviate some of that annoyance. It’s gentle enough to use in between baths, too. So, if your dog is getting a little dry, you can apply as needed. If your dog has particular skin sensitivities, you may want to read the ingredients just to be safe.

You can use Warren London for any coat type on any breed. It smells refreshing as well, having an aromatic benefit. You can apply this between baths to refresh the scent of the coat as well. You get pretty much everything you could need in a dog hair conditioner. It's hydrating, fragrant, and soothing at a price that won't break the bank.

Veterinary Formula Moisturizing Dog Conditioner – Best Value

If you're looking for a pet smoothing hair conditioner ;that covers all bases but don’t want to pay more for your pet’s conditioner than your own, this may work for you. The Veterinary Formula FG01250 Moisturizing Conditioner is our best dog conditioner for the money. It’s affordable and has many of the same benefits as our number one.

You can buy this as a conditioner you can use with any shampoo or in combination with their shampoo brand. It’s specially designed with sensitive skin in mind. It has a pleasant smell with a patented fragrance of raspberry tea and pomegranate. It’s mainly formulated with oatmeal and jojoba oil, which soothes the skin and leaves lasting moisture from bath to bath.

This isn’t a leave-in conditioner like our first choice, so you can’t use it in between baths. But it does hydrate your pup’s hair, leaving it soft, sweet-smelling, and shiny. Veterinary Formula makes it its mission to provide pet owners with quality products at affordable prices. So, if you want value and savings, this is the best option on our list.

svaw Sep 27 '22

MCB is the abbreviation of Miniature Circuit Breaker, and some people call it Micro Circuit Breaker or small Circuit Breaker. Due to various reasons, such as incorrect connection or over-current conditions, a short circuit or overload may occur in the circuit. MCB is similar to a fuse. The only difference is that the fuse needs to be replaced after it is blown, while the miniature circuit breaker can be easily reset by clicking or pressing a button when overloaded.

What is AC MCB?

Alternating current, also known as 60hz or 60 cycles per second, is what drives the power grid. The voltage alternates between +V and -V, changing 60 times per second. A voltage of 0 volts occurs 60 times per second at a certain point. The AC miniature circuit breaker will disconnect at this 0v point, extinguish the arc, and protect the circuit from excessive current.

There are many types of AC miniature circuit breakers on the market. However, the correct MCB should be selected according to the place of use.

Because AC currents alternate and their values are zero during each cycle, arc interruption is relatively simple. In every country, the number of alternating current cycles per second has been standardized, and in most cases, it is 60 Hz or 50 Hz. The grid usually provides alternating current, while specialized industrial or battery applications often use direct current.

Molded Case Circuit Breakers - MCCBs

What are MCCBs? Molded Case Circuit Breaker, MCCB, is an electrical protection device to protect electrical circuits from damage by overcurrent. Prevents overload, short circuits, and switching of circuits. About ComPact Molded Case Circuit Breakers, MCCB. Protect cables sized for 100A to 3200 A. They now come in various sizes, intelligent metering and monitoring, and with integrated earth leakage protection. Their highest breaking capacities allow them to protect also smaller cables when connected close to a powerful energy source. As one pillar of digitally connected power distributions (EcoStruxure Power), ComPact breakers take part in energy consumption and asset management optimization. Benefit from 65 years of technological leadership, and rely on proven quality, opted for even in most demanding environments. How do MCCBs work? MCCB uses a temperature-sensitive device, also known as a temperature element, with a current-sensitive electromagnetic device, also known as a magnetic element, to provide the trip mechanism for protection and isolation purposes. With this, it can ensure overload protection, prevent short circuits,s and act as an electrical disconnector switch.

AC Surge Protective Device SPD Surge Protection Device

Surge Protective Devices are designed to protect against transient surge conditions. Large single surge events, such as lightning, can reach hundreds of thousands of volts and can cause immediate or intermittent equipment failure. However, lightning and utility power anomalies only account for 20% of transient surges. The remaining 80% of surge activity is produced internally. Although these surges may be smaller in magnitude, they occur more frequently and with continuous exposure can degrade sensitive electronic equipment within the facility.

LSP has a comprehensive line of AC SPD to meet your needs, regardless of the exposure risk. They help reduce costly downtime and protect sensitive electronic equipment against the damaging effects of transients caused by lightning surge current, utility switching, internal load switching, and more. Each unit is independently tested and backed by the largest engineering and technical support in the industry.

LSP is a real AC&DC surge protection device (SPD) manufacturer, that also provides OEM/ODM service. some of the products approved by TUV, CB, CE, and EAC according to IEC 61643-11:2011 and EN 61643-11:2012.

AC SPD voltage (Un): 60Vac, 120Vac, 230Vac, 400Vac, 480VAc, 690Vac, 900Vac

AC SPD voltage (Uc): 75Vac, 150Vac, 275Vac, 320VAc, 385Vac, 440Vac, 600Vac, 750Vac, 1000Vac

Knife switch

knife switch ;is a type of switch used to control the flow of electricity in a circuit. It is composed of a hinge that allows a metal lever, or knife, to be lifted from or inserted into a slot or jaw. The hinge and jaw are both fixed to an insulated base, and the knife has an insulated handle to grip at one end. Current flows through the switch when the knife is pushed into the jaw. Knife switches can take several forms, including single throw, in which the "knife" engages with only a single slot, and double throw, in which the knife hinge is placed between two slots and can engage with either one. Also, multiple knives may be attached to a single handle and can be used to activate more than one circuit simultaneously.

What is an Automatic Transfer Switch?

Low-voltage automatic transfer switch ;assemblies provide a reliable means of transferring essential load connections between primary and alternate sources of electrical power. Data centers, hospitals, factories, and a wide range of other facility types that require continuous or near-continuous uptime typically utilize an emergency (alternate) power source such as a generator or a backup utility feed when their normal (primary) power source becomes unavailable. ;

A typical transfer sequence includes:

1. The normal utility power source fails.

2. The transfer switch shifts the load to the emergency power source when power from the generator or backup utility feed is stable and within prescribed voltage and frequency tolerances. Depending on a facility’s needs and preferences, the transfer process is self-acting or manually initiated.

3. The transfer switch returns the load from the emergency power source to the normal power source when utility power is restored. The retransfer process is self-acting or manually initiated.

Industrial plugs and sockets

Reliable, durable, and safe. Perfect for your application.

These products are used for the connection of equipment in all kinds of applications where it needs to be possible to connect and disconnect. ABB Industrial plugs ;and sockets are chosen when safety, reliability, and durability are requested.

Reliable contacts prevent stops and power breaks, which leads to increased productivity.

Durable equipment prevents time and cost lost due to maintenance.

Safe connections prevent accidents. ;

We have divided our range of industrial plugs and sockets into four groups:

Easy & Safe are high-quality products for basic applications.

Tough & Safe are products for demanding applications and environments.

Critical & Safe are sockets with additional safety functions.

Fast & Safe are industrial plugs, connectors, inlets, and socket-outlets with screwless terminal connectors

Reliable, Safe, and with short downtime. ABB Plugs & Sockets

Industrial connectors – the extensive product range of connectors

Benefits of igus connectors

High-performance connectors, signal connectors, and several thousands of connector components – the range of industrial connectors ;in stock allow igus to provide a high level of availability with short delivery times.

Best of Both: recyclable industry

igus cable harnessing with industrial plug-in connectors by HARTING

Hard rectangular connectors made easy: automated igus recyclable cable harnessing of durable chainflex cables with the very robust HARTING industrial plug-in connectors.

Whether harnessed control cables within 24 hours from stock or individually tailored solutions from batch size 1 - the thoroughly tested chainflex cable quality combined with the HARTING types of connector Han 3A, 6B, 10B, 16B, and 24B as a ready-to-connect readycable solution for industrial applications, helps save costs for time-consuming cable harnessing of the individual plug-in connectors and guarantees reliable and durable components.

63A 230V Adjustable over under voltage protector

Product description: The automatic recovery over under voltage protector ;complies with modular design standards. the circuit boards of products adopt good quality electronic components.


1. over-voltage protection threshold adjustable, user-friendly environment according to the real-time voltage protection range. Effective protection of the user loads the safe operation of electrical appliances.

2. the line occurred when the over-voltage cut off the line in time, the line voltage returned to normal when the delay automatically connected to the line, without manual operation.

3. the line due to large capacitive or inductive load instantaneous start and stop caused by transient over-voltage or short-term interruption, the protector does not malfunction and can absorb instantaneous lightning surge voltage, with a certain lightning protection function.

4. the protector itself has a high voltage withstand capacity, line fault voltage continues to 440V, the protector can safely protect the function itself will not be damaged.

svaw Sep 27 '22
Office Chair

An office chair, or desk chair, is a type of chair that is designed for use at a desk in an office. It is usually a swivel chair, with a set of wheels for mobility and adjustable height. Modern office chairs typically use a single, distinctive load-bearing leg (often called a gas lift), which is positioned underneath the chair seat. Near the floor, this leg spreads out into several smaller feet, which are often wheeled and called casters. Office chairs were developed around the mid-19th century as more workers spent their shifts sitting at a desk, leading to the adoption of several features not found on other chairs.


There are multiple kinds of office chairs designed to suit different needs. The most basic is the task chair, which typically does not offer lumbar support or a headrest. These chairs generally cannot be sat in for more than a couple of hours at a time without becoming uncomfortable, though they often offer more room to move than higher-end chairs.

The Aeron by Herman Miller.

Mid-back chairs offer fuller back support, and with the right ergonomic design, can be sat in for four hours at a time or longer. High-end chairs in this category, such as the Herman Miller Aeron and the Steelcase Leap are comfortable for long periods. Some mid-back chairs in particular offer customization options that can allow for a headrest to be added. Executive or full-back chairs offer full back and head support. Many executive chairs are designed to be sat in for eight or more hours at a time. These are typically the most expensive office chairs.

What Is a Mesh Office Chair?

Mesh office chairs, as the name suggests, are made of mesh fabric. Like their leather counterparts, mesh office chairs are made of other materials as well, such as metal or heavy-duty plastic. Only the backrest of most mesh office chairs is made of mesh fabric.

Mesh itself isn't a specific type of fabric. The term “mesh” simply refers to any fabric featuring multiple strands of connected fibers, resulting in a webbing-like appearance. The individual fibers are woven or otherwise joined to create a breathable mesh fabric. This fabric is then stretched out and secured to the backrest of an office chair.

Although there are exceptions, most mesh office chairs are made of one or more synthetic fabrics like polyethylene, nylon, or polypropylene. The individual strains of fibers are then connected to create the mesh fabric, which is used to make the backrest of mesh office chairs.

The benefits of a mesh office chair

Research shows working in a hot office lowers productivity. When you feel uncomfortably hot, your work output will decrease. While using a mesh office chair won't directly affect the temperature of your office, it can still help you beat the heat by promoting airflow. The heat produced by your body – the average person produces about 250 and 400 British Thermal Units (BTU) of heat – can escape through the chair's mesh backrest. If you choose a different type of office chair, though, your body heat will remain trapped, which may cause you to feel hot. Mesh office chairs provide a cooler and more comfortable seating solution than other types of office chairs by promoting airflow.

If you're on a tight budget, a mesh office chair might be the answer. Mesh office chairs typically cost less than leather office chairs. You can find a variety of high-quality mesh office chairs available for just $200 to $300, making them a smart choice for budget-conscious consumers and businesses.

With their mesh construction, mesh office chairs are lighter than other types of office chairs. As a result, you can easily lift and move them around your office.

It's also worth noting that mesh office chairs have a smaller and more compact design than leather office chairs. Even if your office workstation has limited space, you shouldn't have trouble adding a mesh office chair to it. They aren't as bulky as other types of office chairs. With their small and compact design, you can easily add a mesh office chair to most workstations.

Furthermore, mesh office chairs are less vulnerable to scratches than leather office chairs. The seat and armrests can still develop scratches, but the mesh backrest is nearly immune to scratches. You can use a mesh office chair for eight or more hours a day, and the backrest won't develop scratches.

Pros & Cons of Different Chair Materials

Fabric Chairs

Fabric office chairs are one of the most common choices for computer chairs. They're comfortable, easy to maintain, and come in a wide variety of colors and patterns that make it easy to match your existing decor.

One drawback to fabric chairs is that they don't allow air to flow as freely as much as a mesh chair would, making them more susceptible to holding in moisture and odors. If you do your best to avoid bringing drinks to your desk that could possibly spill, choosing a fabric chair should be no problem.

The Ergonomics of a Chair Explained

You may or may not be aware of the serious health implications of prolonged sitting, and why this is a cause for concern for all of us who spend 30+ hours sitting at our work desks every single week. Sitting down causes a number of stresses in our bodies, especially our spines, and this has recently begun to be more recognized by health professionals and is the main reason for the sudden boom of ergonomic office chairs.

What does the term ‘Ergonomic’ mean?

Ergonomics is a science, also known as human engineering or biotechnology. ; The discipline involves looking at how objects can be designed and/or arranged to best complement easy and safe human interaction. An ergonomic chair, for example, is a chair that has been designed to best support the human body, including considerations like posture, comfort, support, and health.

What makes a chair ‘Ergonomic’?

Ergonomic office chairs have a number of features designed to improve your posture and offer correct support, but they only do half the job.

Adjustable Lumbar Support Office Chair

Regulates the height of the adjustable lumbar support office chair. Easily adjusts to enhance comfort.


The lower (lumbar) region of the spine should generally have an inward curve (lordosis). This curve is minimized when seated, placing extra stress on the lower vertebrae.

A properly positioned lumbar support delivers external pressure to the lower back, helping the spine retain some of its natural curves when seated, and alleviating stress on the vertebrae.

How To Use:

To raise the lumbar support, lift up the two levers on the back of the chair. The lumbar support will "ratchet" through its range of motion. Adjust height as recommended.

To lower the lumbar support, raise it to the full height and the support will release and can then be lowered to the desired position.

Recommended Position:

Position the lumbar support so that the forward-most point on the support is placing gentle pressure on the lower 5 vertebrae on the spine.

Choosing the Right Ergonomic Office Chair

Working in an office typically involves spending a great deal of time sitting in an office chair - a position that adds stress to the structures in the spine. Therefore, to avoid developing or compounding back problems, it's important to have an office chair that's ergonomic that supports the lower back, and promotes good posture.

What Kind of Ergonomic Office Chair is Best?

There are many types of ergonomic chairs available for use in the office. No one type of office chair is necessarily the best, but there are some things that are very important to look for in a good ergonomic office chair. These things will allow the individual user to make the chair work well for his or her specific needs.

What Features Should a Good Ergonomic Office Chair Possess?

First considering the "conventional" style of office chair, there are a number of things an ergonomic chair should have, including:

Seat height: Office chair seat height should be easily adjustable. A pneumatic adjustment lever is the easiest way to do this. A seat height that ranges from about 16 to 21 inches off the floor should work for most people. This allows the user to have his or her feet flat on the floor, with thighs horizontal and arms even with the height of the desk.

Seat width and depth: The seat should have enough width and depth to support any user comfortably. Usually, 17-20 inches wide is the standard. The depth (from front to the back of the seat) needs to be enough so that the user can sit with his or her back against the backrest of the ergonomic office chair while leaving approximately 2 to 4 inches between the back of the knees and the seat of the chair. The forward or backward tilt of the seat should be adjustable.

svaw Sep 27 '22
Integrated Circuits IC

An integrated circuit ;(IC), also called a microelectronic circuit, microchip, or chip, is an assembly of electronic components, fabricated as a single unit, in which miniaturized active devices (e.g., transistors and diodes) and passive devices (e.g., capacitors and resistors) and their interconnections are built upon a thin substrate of semiconductor material (typically silicon). The resulting circuit is thus a small monolithic “chip,” which may be as small as a few square centimeters or only a few square millimeters. The individual circuit components are generally microscopic in size.

Integrated Circuits IC has two main advantages over discrete circuits: cost and performance. The cost is low because the chips, with all their components, are printed as a unit by photolithography rather than being constructed one transistor at a time. Furthermore, packaged ICs use much less material than discrete circuits. Performance is high because the IC's components switch quickly and consume comparatively little power because of their small size and proximity. The main disadvantage of ICs is the high cost of designing them and fabricating the required photomasks. This high initial cost means ICs are only commercially viable when high production volumes are anticipated.

Microcontroller (MCU)

microcontroller ;is a compact integrated circuit designed to govern a specific operation in an embedded system. A typical microcontroller includes a processor, memory, and input/output (I/O) peripherals on a single chip.

Sometimes referred to as an embedded controller or microcontroller unit (MCU), microcontrollers are found in vehicles, robots, office machines, medical devices, mobile radio transceivers, vending machines, and home appliances, among other devices. They are essentially simple miniature personal computers (PCs) designed to control small features of a larger component, without a complex front-end operating system (OS).

How do microcontrollers work?

A microcontroller is embedded inside of a system to control a singular function in a device. It does this by interpreting data it receives from its I/O peripherals using its central processor. The temporary information that the microcontroller receives is stored in its data memory, where the processor accesses it and uses instructions stored in its program memory to decipher and apply the incoming data. It then uses its I/O peripherals to communicate and enact the appropriate action.

Microcontrollers are used in a wide array of systems and devices. Devices often utilize multiple microcontrollers that work together within the device to handle their respective tasks.

For example, a car might have many microcontrollers that control various individual systems within, such as the anti-lock braking system, traction control, fuel injection, or suspension control. All the microcontrollers communicate with each other to inform the correct actions. Some might communicate with a more complex central computer within the car, and others might only communicate with other microcontrollers. They send and receive data using their I/O peripherals and process that data to perform their designated tasks.

Meba Automatic Voltage Regulators SVC-10KVA

Meba Automatic Voltage Regulators SVC-10KVA When the power network voltage fluctuates or the load varies, the automatic sampling control circuit will send a signal to drive the servo motor which can adjust the position of the carbon brush of the auto voltage regulator, then, the output voltage will be adjusted to rated value and get a steady state.

What Is an FPGA?

Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are integrated circuits often sold off the shelf. They’re referred to as ‘field programmable’ because they provide customers the ability to reconfigure the hardware to meet specific use case requirements after the manufacturing process. This allows for feature upgrades and bug fixes to be performed in situ, which is especially useful for remote deployments.

FPGAs contain configurable logic blocks (CLBs) and a set of programmable interconnects that allow the designer to connect blocks and configure them to perform everything from simple logic gates to complex functions. Full SoC designs containing multiple processes can be put onto a single FPGA device.


capacitor ;is a device that stores electrical energy in an electric field. It is a passive electronic component with two terminals.

The effect of a capacitor is known as capacitance. While some capacitance exists between any two electrical conductors in proximity in a circuit, a capacitor is a component designed to add capacitance to a circuit. The capacitor was originally known as a condenser or condensation.

The physical form and construction of practical capacitors vary widely and many types of capacitors are in common use. Most capacitors contain at least two electrical conductors often in the form of metallic plates or surfaces separated by a dielectric medium. A conductor may be a foil, thin film, sintered bead of metal, or an electrolyte. The nonconducting dielectric acts to increase the capacitor's charge capacity. Materials commonly used as dielectrics include glass, ceramic, plastic film, paper, mica, air, and oxide layers. Capacitors are widely used as parts of electrical circuits in many common electrical devices. Unlike a resistor, an ideal capacitor does not dissipate energy, although real-life capacitors do dissipate a small amount (see Non-ideal behavior). When an electric potential difference (a voltage) is applied across the terminals of a capacitor, for example when a capacitor is connected across a battery, an electric field develops across the dielectric, causing a net positive charge to collect on one plate and net negative charge to collect on the other plate. No current actually flows through the dielectric. However, there is a flow of charge through the source circuit. If the condition is maintained sufficiently long, the current through the source circuit ceases. If a time-varying voltage is applied across the leads of the capacitor, the source experiences an ongoing current due to the charging and discharging cycles of the capacitor.

What are ceramic capacitors?

A ceramic capacitor uses a ceramic material as the dielectric. Ceramics were one of the first materials to be used in the production of capacitors, as it was a known insulator. Many geometries were used in ceramic capacitors, of which some, like ceramic tubular capacitors and barrier layer capacitors, are obsolete today due to their size, parasitic effects, or electrical characteristics. The types of ceramic capacitors most often used in modern electronics are the multi-layer ceramic capacitor, otherwise named ceramic multi-layer chip capacitor (MLCC), and the ceramic disc capacitor. MLCCs are the most produced capacitors with a quantity of approximately 1000 billion devices per year. They are made in SMD (surface-mounted) technology and are widely used due to their small size. Ceramic capacitors are usually made with very small capacitance values, typically between 1nF and 1μF, although values up to 100μF are possible. Ceramic capacitors are also very small in size and have a low maximum rated voltage. They are not polarized, which means that they may be safely connected to an AC source. Ceramic capacitors have a great frequency response due to low parasitic effects such as resistance or inductance.


Precision and tolerances

There are two classes of ceramic capacitors available today: class 1 and class 2. Class 1 ceramic capacitors are used where high stability and low losses are required. They are very accurate and the capacitance value is stable in regard to the applied voltage, temperature, and frequency. The NP0 series of capacitors has a capacitance thermal stability of ; ±0.54% within the total temperature range of -55 to +125 °C. Tolerances of the nominal capacitance value can be as low as 1%.

Class 2 capacitors have a high capacitance per volume and are used for less sensitive applications. Their thermal stability is typically ±15% in the operating temperature range, and the nominal value tolerances are around 20%.

Size advantages

When high component packing densities are required, as is the case in most modern printed circuit boards (PCBs), MLCC devices offer a great advantage compared to other capacitors. To illustrate this point, the “0402 multi-layer ceramic capacitor package measures just 0.4 mm x 0.2 mm. In such a package, there are 500 or more ceramic and metal layers. The minimum ceramic thickness as of 2010 is on the order of 0.5 microns.

High voltage and high power

Physically larger ceramic capacitors can be made to withstand much higher voltages and these are called power ceramic capacitors. These are physically much larger than those used on PCBs and have specialized terminals for safe connection to a high voltage supply. Power ceramic capacitors can be made to withstand voltages in the range of 2kV up to 100 kV, with a power specified at much higher than 200 volt-amperes.

svaw Sep 27 '22
What Are The Different Types Of Ball Bearings, And What Are Their Applications?

Rolling-element bearings are used to ensure smooth, efficient operation in many machines with rotary motion—from car wheels, engines and turbines to medical equipment. A ball bearing is a type of rolling-element bearing that serves three main functions while it facilitates motion: it carries loads, reduces friction and positions moving machine parts.

Ball bearings use balls to separate two “races,” or bearing rings, to reduce surface contact and friction across moving planes. The rotation of the balls causes a reduced coefficient of friction when compared with flat surfaces rubbing against each other. Because there is little surface contact between the balls and races, ball bearings typically have a lower load capacity for their size than other rolling-element bearings.

There are a variety of different designs and applications for ball bearings, and their design is specific to their industrial application and load type. Some common designs of ball bearings include:

Angular Contact Bearings: designed to work under combined radial and axial loads.

Axial Bearings: also called thrust ball bearings, these are designed to work under force applied parallel to the bearing’s axis, or thrust loads.

Deep-Groove Bearings: designed to carry both radial and light axial loads.

Linear Bearings: designed to allow movement in one direction along a linear axis.

Self-aligning Ball Bearings: bearings with two sets of balls that are self-aligning and to carry both radial and light axial loads.

High-Speed Angular Contact Bearings: another type of precision ball bearing is a high-speed angular contact bearing. As the name implies, high-speed bearings are designed to handle high RPMs with precision and accuracy.

Ball bearing sizes vary according to their use. The width of the bearing also depends on the application. For example, thin section bearings are used in situations where space is at a premium. The difference between the diameter of the outside and inside races and width is minimized, allowing for compact designs.

The materials used in ball bearings depend on their application. The vast majority of ball bearings are made from steel. Other material types include stainless steel bearings for improved corrosion resistance and hybrid ball bearings for which ceramic balls are the moving parts of the bearing between the inner and outer races to reach high rotational speeds.

Roller Bearings Information

Roller bearings are used to replace sliding movement with low friction, rolling motion in rotary applications. The principal types of roller bearings are cylindrical, spherical, and tapered. In general, roller bearings offer higher load capacities than ball bearings of the same size.


There are five main types of roller bearings:

Cylindrical Roller Bearings have high radial-load capacity and moderate thrust loads. They contain rollers which are cylindrically-shaped, but crowned or end-relieved to reduce stress concentrations. Cylindrical roller bearings are similar in design to needle roller bearings but the dimensions of diameter and roller length are closer in magnitude.

Spherical Roller Bearings are self-aligning, double row, combination radial and thrust bearings. They use a spherical or crowned roller as the rolling element.

how to select roller bearingsTapered Roller Bearings consist of an inner ring (cone), an outer ring (cup), a cage and rollers, which are profiled to distribute the load evenly across the roller. During operation, tapered roller bearings create a line contact between the raceway and rolling element, distributing loads across a larger area.

Needle Roller Bearings are a type of cylindrical roller bearing where the length of the roller is much larger than then the diameter. Needle roller bearings are designed for radial load applications where a low profile is desired.

Thrust Bearings are designed for pure thrust loads, and can handle little or no radial load. Roller thrust bearings use rollers similar to other types of roller bearings


Radial type roller bearings (cylindrical, tapered, spherical, and needle) consist of four basic components, an inner ring, an outer ring, rollers, and a cage (roller retainer). Under normal operating conditions, bearing rings and rollers carry the load while the cage spaces and retains the rollers on the cone.

how to select roller bearings

Comparison of Cylindrical Roller Bearing and Ball Bearing Components

Image Credit: bridgat

Roller thrust bearings are designed to carry pure thrust loads. Like radial roller bearings, roller thrust bearings also consist of two rings, rollers, and a cage (roller retainer). However, instead of an inner and outer ring concentric to the axis of rotation, they have two rings or thrust washers on either side of the roller.

How To Install A Pillow Block Bearing

A Pillow Block Bearing is a mounted anti-friction bearing that is contained within a solid cast iron, ductile iron or cast steel housing unit. Also referred to as a housed bearing unit, meaning they are self-contained, greased, sealed and ready for installation on the equipment. Pillow Block bearings are typically bolted to a surface, so that the attached shaft runs parallel with the surface. There are two types of housings used for pillow block bearings, solid and split housings. Solid housed bearings are single-piece housings, while split housed bearings are two-piece housings. Pillow block bearings can contain several types of bearings, including ball, roller and tapered. Shaft attachment devices can be set screw, eccentric lock, single or double set collar, concentric lock or tapered adapter. Each device has their own positive and negatives. Seals vary as well, including clearance seals, light contact, heavy contact and auxiliary type seals. Pillow Block Bearings, in most cases, also come in a fixed or expansion version. The expansion bearings allow for shaft growth and can reduce the risk of loading one bearing against the other. Choosing the best shaft mount device and seal will prolong bearing life. When installed properly, pillow block bearings can last years without needing to be replaced. Follow these steps to ensure minimal downtime and a longer service life.
*This procedure is for the most common shaft locking device set screw or set collar, utilizing a fixed and expansion unit, but the general guidelines apply to all bearing installs.

1) Check and Clean the Shaft

First, check your shafting to ensure it is clean, round, straight, free of burrs and nicks and is not undersized or oversized, per the manufacturers specification. Use fine sandpaper or scotch bright to clean the shaft of any rust. Then use a light coat of oil to remove any debris.

2) Position the Bearings on the Shaft

When placing the bearing on the shaft, if it is necessary to tap the bearing into place, use a mallet and a hardwood block or soft steel tube against the inner ring. DO NOT strike or exert pressure on the housing or seals.

3) Lightly Bolt the Housing to the Mounting Structure

Locate the shaft in position by lightly bolting the housing to the mounting structure. Bridge over the housing mounting bolt slots with heavy washers, or heavy spring lock washers. This may help prevent loosening.

What are the characteristics of joint bearing?

The structure of the joint bearing is simpler than that of the rolling bearing. It is mainly composed of an inner ring with an outer spherical surface and an outer ring with an inner spherical surface.Joint bearing is generally used for low-speed swing motion (that is, angular motion). Since the sliding surface is spherical, it can also be tilted within a certain angle range (that is, self-aligning motion), and the support shaft and the shaft shell hole are not concentric When the degree is large, it can still work normally.

Features of joint bearing, the joint bearing can bear larger loads. According to its different types and structures, it can bear radial load, axial load or combined load of radial and axial.Since the outer spherical surface of the inner ring is embedded with composite material, the bearing can generate self-lubrication during operation. Generally used for low-speed swing movement and low-speed rotation, it can also be used for tilting movement within a certain angle range, and it can still work normally when the support shaft and the shaft shell hole are not centered. Self-lubricating joint bearing is used in water conservancy, professional machinery and other industries.

Application of joint bearing, elf-lubricating joint bearingJoint bearings are widely used in engineering hydraulic cylinders, forging machine tools, engineering machinery, automation equipment, automotive shock absorbers, water conservancy machinery and other industries.The joint bearing is a spherical sliding bearing. The basic type is composed of an inner and outer ring with a spherical sliding spherical contact surface.Depending on its structure and type, it can withstand radial loads, axial loads, or combined loads acting simultaneously in the radial and axial directions.

What Is the Purpose of Bearings?

The main purpose of bearings is to prevent direct metal to metal contact between two elements that are in relative motion. This prevents friction, heat generation and ultimately, the wear and tear of parts. It also reduces energy consumption as sliding motion is replaced with low friction rolling.

Rolling element bearings contain rolling elements in the shape of balls or cylinders. We know that it is easier to roll a wheel than slide it on the ground as the magnitude of rolling friction is lower than sliding friction. The same principle is in work here. Rolling element bearings are used to facilitate the free movement of parts in rotational motion.

Even when we need linear motion in applications, it is easy to convert rotational motion to sliding motion. Consider an escalator or a conveyor. Even though the motion is linear, it is powered by rollers that are driven by motors.

Another example is a reciprocating pump that can convert rotational energy from a motor into translational motion with the help of linkages. In each of these applications, ball bearings are used to support motor shafts as well as shafts of other rollers in the assembly.

Rolling elements carry the load without much friction as the sliding friction is replaced with rolling friction. Rolling element bearings can be subdivided into two major types: ball bearings and roller bearings.

Ball bearings are one of the most common types of bearing classes used. It consists of a row of balls as rolling elements. They are trapped between two annulus shaped metal pieces. These metal pieces are known as races. The inner race is free to rotate while the outer race is stationary.

Ball bearings provide very low friction during rolling but have limited load-carrying capacity. This is because of the small area of contact between the balls and the races. They can support axial loads in two directions besides radial loads.

Ball bearings are used for controlling oscillatory and rotational motion. For example, in electrical motors where the shaft is free to rotate but the motor housing is not, ball bearings are used to connect the shaft to the motor housing.

Depending on the application, different types of ball bearings are available to choose from.

svaw Sep 27 '22
Why You Should Absolutely Buy an Electric Motorcycle

Most motorcycle owners are in it for the feel of the thing. Wind in your hair, sun in your face, engine moving under you, all that. However, there's now an emerging alternative: electric motorcycles. EV bikes have many upsides, and in many more ways, capitalize on what makes bikes so consumer-friendly. So, the real question is, why not enjoy all the upsides of an EV with the perks of motorcycle ownership on top of it?

Now, an electric motorcycle isn't for everyone. Just like with car enthusiasts, there will always be a dedicated camp of bike guys and girls who won't ride anything with a gas-powered motor under them. That's fine, but an EV bike may be for you if you'd like to try something a little different. For starters, like cars, electric bikes offer a wholly different aesthetic than their gas-powered counterparts.

Often, electric motorcycle design restrictions are lifted simply because the packaging of an electric motor can be smaller than that of a bike engine and transmission. Take a look at the Sondors Metacycle, which looks like something out of Blade Runner. Additonally, the range of electric bikes is roughly equivalent to their gas sibling. For example, a Harley-Davidson Livewire will do about 140 miles on a charge, and a new Ducati Monster will do about the same.

Aside from the motor, the sensations of riding remain unchanged, unlike in an electric car versus a gas car. You still get the wind in your hair, sun in face experience, just a little quiter. Arguably, this makes an electric motorcycle better for commuting than the gas-powered equivalent. Additonally, an electric motorcycle is a significantly easier lifestyle switch to make compared to EV ownership. The Sondors Metacycle can be charged on a regular old home outlet no problem.

Moreover, the same can be said for the Harley-Davison Livewire, though the brand recommends a legit “Level 2” charger for added ease of use. There's also some money to be saved, just like an EV car. An electric motorcycle will take far less energy to charge, keeping your utility bill low. Honestly, with the way gas prices are right now, the concept of owning an electric bike is even more enticing.

So, there you have it. Owning an electric motorcycle offers an interesting change from the norm at little real-world expense. However, it has to be said that a gas-powered bike is still a better choice for novices. There isn’t really a market for used electric motorcycles right now, and it’s best to have something you can fall over on first. That said, you can be sure you’ll get your fair share of curious glances when you glide up silently to work in the morning.

Insurance for electric scooters

Apologies to those of you who have contacted us through the comments section to ask for scooter insurance cover. Sadly this is not something that we offer at this time. We have chosen not to publish many of these comments due to the sensitive data that some of them contain.

Despite concerns surrounding their legality, more and more people are turning to electric scooters as a new and sustainable mode of transport. Reaching substantial speeds and conveniently compact, e-scooters make the ultimate vehicle for commuters and thrill seekers alike across the world.

However, partly due to their legal status in the UK, some riders may find themselves confused as to whether their electric scooter requires insurance.

Owning an electric scooter is not against the law. However, it is illegal to ride an electric scooter on the public highway, i.e. publicly owned roads and pavements.

There have been reports in the media which suggest e-scooter riders who have been apprehended by the police for breaking the law have also been reprimanded for not having insurance. According to The Telegraph, London’s Metropolitan Police force insists electric scooters do require the same insurance as any other road vehicles – despite it being illegal to ride an e-scooter on the road. Officers have cited the Road Traffic Act as grounds for this action. Under the RTA, individuals can be charged for not having insurance, a licence, a number plate, a helmet or valid MOT for their vehicle.

Technically, an electric scooter does not require vehicle insurance. Due to their classification as Personal Light Electric Vehicles (PLEVs), they cannot be ridden in public at all, meaning insurance is not necessary.

It is, however, perfectly legal for an electric scooter to be ridden on private property, such as at your home or in your garden. When riding your e-scooter in private you do not need insurance.

The confusion surrounding the legality and restrictions surrounding electric scooter use can result in people breaking the law by accident. Essentially, riding an electric scooter is illegal in public – but if, in theory, you were to ride on the roads, you would need cover equivalent to that of car or motorised bike insurance.

If you ride in private (as the law dictates you must), vehicle insurance is not a legal requirement.

How far can I go on a single charge?

We hear this question a lot! And, honestly, it’s one of the most important factors in deciding which e-bike to purchase. Finding an e-bike's exact range is complicated and difficult to distill down to one single number. It can be difficult to compare bike models, but you can absolutely expect a longer, farther riding range from a battery with higher volts and amp hours.

All Juiced Bikes are equipped with the industry-leading 52V battery, while most other e-bikes in the $1,000 - $3,000 price range are only equipped with a 48V battery (in some cases, just a 36V battery). It's important to keep in mind that riding range for all e-bikes depend on many factors including...

  • Total payload, rider + gear

  • Average speed

  • Tire pressure

  • Hill grade

  • Wind

  • Road Bumps

  • Riding position

  • Outside temperature

  • How much you pedal

  • Tire type

  • Type of battery

  • Age of the battery

    A History of Electric Scooters


    In 1911, the magazine Popular Mechanics showcased an ebike that could reach a max speed of 35 mph—a full 40% faster than the best gas-powered scooters available at the same time. This ebike could reach distances of up to 100 miles on a single battery charge. In 1911, British agricultural company Ransomes, Sims, and Jeffries released the first electric motorcycle with a sidecar that carried the batteries.

    Developments in electric scooters stalled for the next 20 or so years after a Long-Island based company released the Autoped, a competent gas-fueled scooter that saw many sales in the US and Germany. The development of new more efficient gas-powered engines saw many companies manufacture gas-powered scooters. Unfortunately, these gas-powered scooters were often seen as low class and it took a few decades for people to change their minds on the product.

    Developments in electric ebikes saw a small spike during the years of WWII, spurned on by petrol shortages in Germany and the US. A handful of these companies, such as ParCar, are still making electric bikes to this day.


    During the 1940s, many companies hopped on the wagon of making gas-powered scooters. These scooters were a rather big success and some models were even adopted by the US military. Although these products sold relatively well, they weren’t by any means popular consumer goods and most common people didn’t bother buying one.

    The rise of environmentalism in the 1960s saw new developments in ebikes. In 1967, Austria chemist Karl Kordesch made the first gas/electric hybrid motorcycle and in 1975, American inventor Mike Corbin invented the City Bike, a street-legal electric bike that could reach speeds up to 30 mph. In fact, a year earlier, Mke Corbin set the electric motorcycle land speed record with his custom-built QuickSilver that could reach a top speed of 165 mph. This record was not beaten until 2012.

    Also in 1975, California manufacturer Auranthic Corp. released the Charger another street-legal bike that was extremely popular in California.


    The past few decades have seen even more advancements in electric scooter technology. The first mass-produced electric scooter called the Scoot’Elec was invented in 1996 by Peugeot and had a top speed of 31 mph and a range of 29 miles. The Scoot’Elec was very successful even though it was heavy and not very eco-friendly due to its nickel-cadmium batteries.

    The early 1990s also saw the invention of the lithium-ion battery, the kind of batteries that power most laptops, smart phones, and tablets nowadays. Lithium-ion batteries were much more efficient than nickel-cadmium batteries and much more eco-friendly.

    The modern wave of electric scooter began in 2009 when Myway turned into Inokim and became one of the leading electric scooter manufacturers. These scooters made full use of new more efficient lithium-ion batteries to make fast scooters that could be charged at home.

    Nowadays, there are dozens of electric scooter manufacturers in several countries and they are becoming a common sight in most cities. Several rideshare companies like Uber and Lime have electric scooters you can rent for one-off trips. People favor electric scooters due to their portability, ease of use, low environmental footprint, less maintenance, and fewer regulations compared to more traditional methods of transportation. The fuel cost of a gas-powered scooter is almost 4 times as high as an electric scooter and gas-powered scooters actually emit more greenhouse gasses than cars proportional to their size. The current fastest electric scooter on the market is the NANROBOT LS7 which can reach a top speed of 52 mph, almost highway speeds.

    So you can see why people are so excited about electric scooters and why this trend is probably here to stay.

    How Long Do Ebikes Last?

    As with regular bikes, even high-quality ebikes require upkeep and maintenance. While ebikes as a whole can last 10 years or more, different parts will need replacing during this time. Everyone’s bike is different, and a lot depends on how often you ride your bike.

    Wear and tear is normal over the years, and parts of the bike deplete at different rates. Below is a rough breakdown of how long various ebikes parts will last:


    People are often concerned about battery life – both in terms of day-to-day range and how long before batteries need replacing.

    Story Bikes batteries will take up to 45 miles before they need to be charged, although how and where you ride your Story Bike will have an impact The terrain, rider, and level of pedal assist being used effects the distance traveled.

    For the majority of ebikes, batteries last for around 1,000 charges. This usually comes out to around three to five years.

    Batteries are generally easy to replace and provided by your ebike manufacturer. The process to replace the battery differs depending on the ebike company and their design.


    A motor has among the longest lives of any components of an ebike. In fact, a quality motor usually lasts as long as the ebike itself. Rear hub motors are sealed and protected against corrosion and the elements and require minimal maintenance.

    In the event your motor fails, you can get it replaced. You would contact your manufacturer and either install the replacement at home or with the help of your local bike shop.


    Chains and tires usually last between 1,000 and 3,000 miles before they need replacing. This means they usually last one to two years for the average rider. Regular cleaning and lubrication of the chain will add time to its lifespan.

    Those who ride their bikes frequently and over difficult terrain will probably need to replace chains and tires more often. However, these supplies are relatively inexpensive and can usually be replaced without needing to take your ebike to a mechanic.


    Gears are a bit of a wild card when it comes to longevity. Gears on a well-made bike can often last as long as the bike itself, but certain types of gears tend to break down more quickly.

    Gears holding the chain in place, for example, might break down quicker. Gears found near the front cog are also more vulnerable.

    While some gears may only last three or four years, gears are inexpensive and easy to replace on your own. Regular maintenance and tuning of your derailleur and gears will help prevent issues from occurring.

    svaw Sep 27 '22
    How long will my battery system last?

    Some batteries will also provide longer backup than others. The 13.5-kilowatt-hour capacity of Tesla’s Powerwall, for instance, outranks Sunrun’s Brightbox at 10 kilowatt-hours. But those systems have the same power rating, at 5 kilowatts, which means they offer the same “maximum load coverage,” according to WoodMac’s director of solar, Ravi Manghani.

    “Typically, during a power outage, one wouldn't aim to draw at the maximum 5 kilowatts," a load roughly equivalent to running a clothes dryer, microwave and hair dryer all at once, Manghani said.

    “An average homeowner typically will draw 2 kilowatts maximum during an outage, and an average of 750 to 1,000 watts during the course of the outage," he said. "This means a Brightbox will last for 10 to 12 hours, while a Powerwall will last for 12 to 15 hours.”

    Certain applications and programs already on the market, such as Sense and Powerley, can also give homeowners an idea of their usage. But in a Catch-22, the apps might require power to function, though data on past power usage could help homeowners identify which appliances to prioritize.

    Recent data suggests that many homeowners installing energy storage systems are opting for two batteries instead of one for greater backup capacity.

    John Berger, CEO at residential solar and storage company Sunnova, told Greentech Media that the company has seen an influx in demand for storage from existing customers looking to update their systems, as well as new customers asking for batteries from the start. In terms of how long the system can last, however, Berger offers what he called “a rather unsatisfying answer.”

    “It depends on how much power your home uses, how big it is, what the weather is in your particular area,” he said. “Some of our customers may be able to have a whole home backup with one or two batteries, and then in other cases that may still not be enough.”

    What are RV Lithium Batteries?

    Simply put, RV Lithium Batteries are rechargeable 12-volt batteries that have become a popular replacement for lead-acid batteries. This is particularly true of folks who have solar power on their rigs.

    RV lithium batteries are based on a newer, more efficient lithium-ion technology known as LiFePO4 or lithium iron phosphate. For the purposes of this post, whenever we talk about “lithium” we’re referring to this specific technology.

    Aside from the technology on the inside, the difference between lithium batteries and lead-acid batteries essentially boils down to the efficiency of use and lifespan.

    Lithium batteries can be fully discharged without damage. But once a lead-acid battery is discharged below 50 percent, it suffers permanent damage and will no longer recharge to its full capacity. Because lithium batteries can safely be fully discharged without damage (so their rated capacity is fully usable) a lithium battery provides much more usable amp hours than a lead-acid battery rated at the same capacity… about double!

    While a 100-amp-hour lead-acid battery can only safely be discharged to roughly 50 percent, a 100-amp-hour lithium battery can be depleted to virtually zero without damage. So, you only get about half as many usable amp hours from lead-acid as you do with lithium.

    An RV lithium battery can also be depleted and recharged (or cycled) thousands of times. Lead-acid batteries may only have as few as several hundred cycles in them before needing to be replaced.

    Additionally, lithium batteries are much lighter than lead-acid batteries, which can be a huge help for RVs that are at or near their maximum weight carrying capacity. And because it takes fewer batteries to equal the same amount of usable amp-hours, lithium batteries ultimately use less space than their lead-acid counterparts (again, a big benefit for smaller RVs that need more power but don’t have the room to add more batteries)

    However, when you consider that lead-acid batteries are likely going to need to be replaced much more often, lithium batteries can cost less over time.

    It’s also important to consider the charging time saved. Lithium batteries will charge more quickly and more efficiently, so you’ll also save fuel that might otherwise be required to run your generator. You may even save time and the hassle of seeking a sunny spot for your solar charging when you know you’ll be able to rely on the power of your lithium batteries for longer.

    Plus there’s no more “battery anxiety” with lithium batteries. Lead-acid batteries need to be handled fairly delicately when it comes to discharging since you can’t exceed 50% of their rated capacity. So that can lead to recharging them more often, just to avoid exceeding that limit. With lithium batteries, an amp is an amp is an amp. Doesn’t matter if the battery is at 100% charge, or 39%. They just provide power. And as long as you have the number of amp-hours you need to make it through the night… you’re good!

    What is electromobility?

    In order to replace fossil fuels in transport, a number of alternative energy sources are being investigated. There are currently two main solutions emerging: hydrogen fuel cell technologies and electric vehicles. When it comes to the term electromobility, it covers both fully electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles and vehicles using hydrogen fuel cell technology. All e-mobility vehicles are based on the idea of electricity as “fuel”. This approach is considered forward-looking. Looking across the entire energy chain, only electricity provides efficiency gains and, as long as it comes from renewable sources, a significant reduction in CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions.

    A solution of the future?

    Electromobility has become one of the most promising technological solutions. It replaces fossil fuels and can power most forms of personal and public transport. That is why parallel investments in charging infrastructure are necessary to create the conditions for the transition of cities and regions to low- and zero-emission solutions.

    Due to the specificity of electromobility vehicles and their high efficiency over shorter distances, electrification of public transport infrastructure is an area with great potential. A number of public transport modes, including buses, are already largely e-mobile.

    What is electromobility in practice?

    Long-distance and heavy journeys are less suited to e-mobility. However, electric road systems for trucks are already being implemented in many Member States of the European Union. In Sweden, in turn, work is underway on the innovative EVolution Road project. It is designed to automatically detect and charge electric vehicles, including battery buses, when they are moving on it. At present, it seems that only air travel will remain dependent on liquid fuels.

    Electric motors have several advantages over conventional internal combustion engines. They convert about 80% of energy into usable power compared to 20% for a conventional vehicle. They are therefore characterized by higher efficiency, high durability and lower maintenance costs. Zero emission electric and hydrogen vehicles have zero tailpipe emissions. They therefore do not contribute directly to air pollution. Thanks to their quiet operation, they also produce less noise and vibration, thus increasing the comfort of life for residents in urban areas.How Much do Golf Cart Batteries Cost?

    We’ve all been there. Our golf cart isn’t working and we dread that it is time to replace the batteries. So, we pick up the phone to call our local golf cart dealer and we ask the parts department, “How much do batteries cost?” And before they speak, the person on the other line says trepidatiously, ”…are you sitting down?” We wait in anticipation as our jaw drops in exclamation to the high price of batteries.

    Now, pricing on batteries does vary from pack to pack. The general consensus for battery replacement ranges from $800 on the low end to $1500 on the high end. Some packs cost as much as $2000 when you start dealing with 72 Volt systems and sealed batteries. But, for the typical lead acid battery pack, $900 to $1500 is about the norm. This price range is assuming you are working with a local golf cart dealer. Batteries can be less if you install them yourselves, however we recommend you prevent long term back pain from picking up heavy batteries and have your local professional dealer provide the service.

    Of the 48 Volt systems, the 4-12 Volt system is typically the least expensive (not always) since only 4-12 Volt deep cycle batteries are required. However the 4-12 Volt system has the least range. The more lead and the heavier the battery pack as a whole typically leads to a more expensive but higher quality battery pack. And a higher quality battery pack will have longer life for your golf cart and generally better performance in terms of range.

    What to expect getting your batteries replaced

    So, now that we have discussed the cost of having batteries installed by a dealer, what else does it typically include? Well, since batteries are a hazardous material and contain acid, depending on how well you take care of your batteries will determine the amount of extra cleaning and repairs needed to allow for new batteries to be installed.

    Batteries that are not maintained properly will require acid cleanup and potentially replace cables and connectors in the battery bay. Now, these extra items are not typically included in a normal battery install. However, general cleaning typically is. Then, when the batteries are all installed, the dealer will ensure the batteries properly charge and perform a safety check so that you can drive off without any worries. While you’re getting the batteries replaced though, have your dealer perform a preventative maintenance check as well. You might as well get it all done at once and keep yourself safe while driving on the road.

    svaw Sep 27 '22
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