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Till now we have told you about many types of business related to customer service center, such as how to become a bank friend or how to get a franchise of a post office. Today we are going to tell you about another such business, which you can open and provide service in your village or city.

The kiosk are a small internet enabled booth through which customers can perform various tasks related to the bank. Kiosks are being opened by banks of our country in many areas. So that people can easily do their bank work through them without going to a bank branch.

A kiosk machine is like an ATM machine, but where only the money can be withdrawn from the ATM machine, in addition to withdrawing money from the kiosk machine, money can be deposited through it and money can also be sent to any other account

How to work through kiosk banking

Those who will be opening kiosks also have to open No Frills Savings Bank accounts (without depositing any money) from the people. To do this, they will have to take people’s photos and their finger prints and send all these information to the concerned bank. At the same time, when this account will be opened by the bank, the person opening the account will be able to deposit their money through the kiosk branch, get it out and do other types of work related to the bank.

Under kiosk banking, a maximum of Rs 50,000 can be deposited in an account and daily transactions up to Rs 10,000 can be done. Therefore, if a customer has to deposit more than Rs 50,000, then he has to go to the bank branch and similarly if he has to withdraw more than 10 thousand money, then he will have to go to the bank branch.

People who have opened customer service centers can easily start kiosk banking service from their center. In fact, many banks have been associated with the customer service center scheme launched by the Government of India and are offering services of kiosks in these centers. On the other hand, people who are not bank friends need not be disappointed because any person can apply to get kiosk banking.

However, only those people who are at least 18 years of age and who have studied up to the minimum 12th standard can apply to open kiosk banking. Apart from this, that person should also have 100 to 200 square feet of space and should also have computer, printer and net facilities.

xzvzxv Jun 5 '22

Underwater excavation is called dredging. A dredge is a machine that scoops or suctions sediment from the bottom of the waterways or is used to mine materials underwater. While the instrumentation of modern dredges is computer assisted, the basic excavation methods of dredges have remained the same since the late 1800s. The two main types of dredges Local 25 members work aboard are mechanical dredges and hydrhydraulic dredges.

Mechanical dredges remove material by scooping it from the bottom and then placing it onto a waiting barge or a disposal area. The two most common types of mechanical dredges are dipper dredges and clamshell dredges. These names refer to the type of scooping buckets they employ. The dredge is mounted on a large barge and is usually towed to the dredge site and secured in by anchors or anchor pilings, called spuds. Disposal barges, called dump scows, are used in conjunction with the mechanical dredge.

Hydraulic dredges work by sucking a mixture of dredged material and water from the channel bottom. The amount of water sucked up with the material is controlled to make the best mixture. Pipeline and hopper dredges are the two main types of hydraulic dredges.

Pipeline dredges suck dredged material through one end and push it out the discharge pipeline directly into the disposal site. Most pipeline dredges have a cutterhead on the suction end. A cutterhead is a mechanical device that has rotating blades or teeth to break up or loosen the bottom material so that it can be sucked through the dredge. Pipeline dredges are mounted to barges and usually not self-powered, but are towed to the dredging site and secured in place by anchor piling, called spuds.

Hopper dredges are ships with large hoppers, or containment areas, inside. The dredge suctions dredged material from the channel bottom through long intake pipes and stores it in the hoppers. When the hoppers are full, the dredged material is either pumped off through a pipeline or the ship travels to an in-water disposal site, where the dredged material is discharged through the bottom of the ship.

Disposal site selection for dredged material is one of the most important and challenging parts of planning a dredging project. The most common disposal methods are beach renourishment, ocean placement and confined disposal facilities.

Beach renourishment is the placement of dredged material on or near the beach through a pipeline, usually to replenish an eroding beach or protect an eroding wetland. This is the most visible dredging project to the public. The dredged material is generally sand coming from inlets, coastal entrance bars, or main offshore waterways. Both hopper dredges and pipeline dredges can use beach renourishment sites. Once the dredged material is on the beach, heavy equipment operators help control the placement and direction of the sand.

xzvzxv Jun 5 '22

Underbites, overbites and teeth that are crooked, crowded or have large gaps can all be treated with braces. There are just as many options in braces as there are problems they solve.

Parents of today had far less choice as teenagers; it was just the standard metal braces available back then. Now, their children can be fitted with a range of different options in braces.

Orthodontist have developed new treatments over the years to improve the aesthetics of braces. But choosing the right treatment method takes time and careful consideration.

Types of Braces

The most commonly used types of braces are:

Metal Braces

These are the traditional braces made of high-quality stainless steel. An arch wire is attached to brackets on the teeth which provides even pressure to move teeth in the correct direction.

Ceramic Braces

Using tooth-coloured ceramic brackets rather than metal and a white wire, ceramic braces are an appealing option for many patients. Also called clear braces, ceramic braces are virtually invisible. They are a popular choice for adults who prefer the subtle look compared to metal braces. Ceramics are also ideal for patients that like to have their photo taken or will attend important events while they are wearing braces.

Lingual Braces

Also called inside braces, lingual braces are custom made brackets designed to fit the contour on the inside of each tooth. A wire joins the brackets together and pulls the teeth into position by pulling from the inside. Just as effective as standard outside braces, however they take longer to fit as each bracket needs to be custom made. Appointments with lingual braces may also need to be more frequent and take longer than traditional braces.Lingual braces may also be more challenging to keep clean and may affect the speech in some patients.

Lingual braces are most common amongst adults who are self conscious of how they will look with traditional braces, particularly in the workplace. Lingual braces are virtually undetectable but users may need to wear elastic bands which people can see.


Invisalign is one of the newest options available. The patient wears a series of custom plastic trays for two weeks each which slowly move the teeth into the preferred position. The aligners are virtually invisible and are more comfortable to wear with no metal parts to rub against gums and inside the mouth. The patient doesn‘t need to make any changes to their diet and can clean their teeth as they always have because the Invisalign retainers are removed for eating and cleaning.

Which One Should you Choose?

It’s not just the aesthetics of the braces that will determine which one you choose. There are a few factors you should consider including cost, hygiene and the final result.


In our experience, some patients worry unnecessarily about how they will look with braces. They can remain self conscious about the braces long after everyone else has forgotten about them. But if the look of the braces is a concern for you, then consider lingual or ceramic braces that are invisible or hardly noticeable.

xzvzxv Jun 5 '22

So you’ve got the right paints, the best brushes and canvases as far as the eye can see – all you need now is the perfect artists easel and you’re ready to create your first masterpiece! Whether you’re working in a studio space, spare room or the kitchen, a reliable easel can be a valuable piece of studio equipment. A good easel can help your posture and offers you a dedicated painting space. There’ll be no more clearing the dining table before you begin painting!

Artists easels come in all shapes and sizes – from large, sturdy studio easels to portable easels to take on your painting trips. You may have never used an easel before, even if you have been painting for a long time. Many artists come to use them first in a college or tutoring setting. Other artists may find that they do not need an easel at all. The most important thing to consider when selecting your easel is practicality. We’ll introduce you to the different types of easels that we stock, and give you some hints and tips that will help you select an easel that is best for you.

Before you buy your first easel it’s important to think about what you need from one. Where will you use your easel? What size is your work? Which painting mediums do you use? What is your painting style like? Are you comfortable standing at an easel or would you need to sit down? Do you have any accessibility issues that need to be taken into consideration? These are all questions you will need to ask yourself that will help you narrow down your choices.

Easels offer different benefits to different artists. Some artists that use easels find that their painting process is much freer. The distance between you and the easel allows for more freedom of movement. There won’t be the restriction to making movements just from the wrist. This is beneficial for artists who favour a loose, energetic style of painting. If you do paint energetically it would be wise to consider buying as sturdy an easel as you can afford. A wooden studio easel would be able to withstand the energy of your movements. A lightweight metal easel would be more unstable. If you are working on a small scale with delicate strokes this wouldn’t be as much of a problem. You will still need your easel to be sturdy, but you could get away with using a more lightweight version.

The environment in which you wish to paint will affect your choice of easel. If you are painting outdoors you will need something compact and portable. If you have a large studio then you may have more space for a sturdier easel. In a spare room you may need to move or store your easel when not in use. You will need something lightweight or even collapsible. Painting in a communal area may mean that you are only able to work from an table mountable easel.

Easels can only hold surfaces up to a maximum height. This is something you will need to double check before you make a purchase. The weight of your work may also be a factor you need to consider. Although most easels will hold canvases of a considerable weight, artists who work with large amounts of mediums, thick paint and collage may need to double check that their paintings do not go above this weight. If you regularly paint work on weighty canvas you would probably be best investing in a heavier studio easel.

xzvzxv Jun 5 '22

Laser marking is the process of permanently marking a surface using a focused beam of light. It can be performed using different types of lasers, including fiber lasers, CO2 lasers, pulsed lasers, and continuous lasers. The three most common laser marking applications are:

  • Laser engraving: creates deep and permanent marks that withstand abrasion

  • Laser etching: creates high-contrast permanent marks at a high speed

  • Laser annealing: generates marks under the surface without affecting the base metal or its protective coating

Laser marking can mark a variety of materials such as steel, aluminum, stainless steel, polymers, and rubber. It is often used to identify parts and products with 2D barcodes (data matrix codes or QR codes), alphanumerical serial numbers, VIN numbers, and logos.

How Does Laser Marking Work?

To create a lasting mark, laser marking systems generate focused beams of light that contain high levels of energy. When a laser beam hits a surface, its energy is transferred in the form of heat, creating black, white, and sometimes colored marks.

The Science of Lasers Explained

Laser beams are generated by a reaction known as LASER, an acronym for “Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation”.

First, a special material is stimulated with energy, making it release photons. The newly released photons then stimulate the material again, generating more and more photons. This creates an exponential number of photons (or light energy) in the laser cavity.

This energy build up is released as a single, coherent beam of light that is directed at its target using mirrors. Based on the energy level, it can etch, engrave, or anneal surfaces with extreme precision.

Different Lasers to Mark Different Materials

Laser light energy is measured using wavelengths, or nanometers (nm). Specific wavelengths are used for different applications and can only be generated by certain types of lasers.

  • Fiber lasers stimulate a rare-earth metal known as ytterbium to generate photons on the 1,064 nm wavelength. This wavelength is ideal to mark metals, as a good quantity of its energy is absorbed by the material.

  • CO2 lasers stimulate CO2 gas to generate wavelengths between 9,000 nm and 11,000 nm, covering a wide range of organic materials that require different wavelengths. The most common wavelength for organic materials is 10,600 nm.

Laser Marking Benefits

Laser marking has become the technology of choice for manufacturers looking for high-quality marking, offering a multitude of advantages compared to older marking methods like dot peen marking, inkjet printing, and printed labels.

as852123 Jun 1 '22

Welding is one type of manufacturing process by which two or more similar or dissimilar materials can be joined permanently by weld bead formation with or without the application of external pressure, heat or filler material. There exist different types of welding processes, each of them follows unique procedure to weld two or more components. Welding processes can be broadly classified as arc welding, gas welding, resistance welding, solid state welding and intense energy beam welding. Each of these class once again consists of several welding processes. Irrespective of the welding process, a weld bead formation is always desired to join the components by welding. This weld bead forms at the intersection of two components that are welded. It is also worth mentioning that fusion of the faying surfaces of the parent components is not necessary for weld bead formation. In some welding processes, the faying surfaces are fused with the application of heat to get the weld bead, while in other processes, weld bead can be obtained without melting the faying surfaces. On the basis of whether base materials are fused or not, welding processes can be broadly classified into two groups—solid state welding and fusion welding.

In all such welding processes where the faying surfaces of parent components along with the filler material are fused to form the weld bead are called fusion welding. Sufficient heat must be applied by external means for properly fusing the faying surfaces of base metals as well as the filler metal. Thus phase change (solid to liquid and once again liquid to solid) occurs in fusion welding. All arc welding, gas welding, resistance welding and intense energy beam welding processes are fusion welding. On the other hand, if no such melting takes place during welding, then it is termed as solid state welding. Here the joining takes place in solid state and no phase change occurs. However, in solid state welding, parent components may be heated to an elevated temperature but substantially below the melting point of the concerned material (and thus no melting occurs). Instead of external heat, application of pressure is usually necessary for this type of welding. Roll welding, diffusion welding, friction welding, etc. are considered as solid state welding processes. Following passages elaborate similarities and differences between fusion welding and solid state welding.

Induction Heating Equipment & Power SuppliesInduction Heating offers a controllable and localized method of heat without contact to the parts (components) being heated. The heat is generated by inducing an alternating magnetic field into electrically conductive materials. Induction Heating technology is very low cost to run and normally creates significant costs savings versus other traditional process heating technologies. RDO offers Induction Heating equipment, power supplies & metal heating furnaces from 1kW to 500kW in output power and frequency ranges from 1kHz to 1 MHz. We also offer induction heating coils to go along with our induction heating machines.

The capabilities of these induction systems allow us to offer solutions for a wide array of applications, including soldering, brazing, heat treating, bonding, melting, crystal growing, hardening, annealing, and shrink fitting.

We also offer induction heating equipment and high frequency induction heaters for curing adhesives. We are able to provide turn-key solutions from our standard product line and equipped with a complete induction heating laboratory for testing and developing solutions for our customer’s important processes. RDO also has the ability to design and develop custom power supplies & industrial heating machines based on requirements specific to the customer’s application, which can be stand-alone or embedded systems.

What is a thyristor? Types of thyristors and their uses

Thyristors are an interesting class of semiconductor devices. They share similar characteristics with other solid-state components made from silicon, like diodes and transistors. Therefore, distinguishing thyristors from diodes and transistors could be difficult. To add to the difficulty, there are different types of thyristors available on the market.

In some instances, what sets thyristors apart from one another could be just a tiny detail.

Also, depending on the manufacturer, a given thyristor may be known by another name.

To apply thyristors successfully when designing circuits, it is important to know their unique characteristics, limitations, and their relationship with the circuit. That’s why we’re taking some time to sort it all out so that you can have a better understanding of what thyristor is most suitable for your application.

A thyristor is a four-layer device with alternating P-type and N-type semiconductors (P-N-P-N).

In its most basic form, a thyristor has three terminals: anode (positive terminal), cathode (negative terminal), and gate (control terminal). The gate controls the flow of current between the anode and cathode.

The primary function of a thyristor is to control electric power and current by acting as a switch. For such a small and lightweight component, it offers adequate protection to circuits with large voltages and currents (up to 6000 V, 4500 A).

It is attractive as a rectifier because it can switch rapidly from a state of conducting current to a state of non-conduction.

In addition, its cost of maintenance is low and, operating under the right conditions, remains functional in the long term without developing a fault.

Thyristors are used in a wide range of electric circuits, from simple burglar alarms to power transmission lines.

A thyristor with a P-N-P-N structure has three junctions: PN, NP, and PN. If the anode is a positive terminal with respect to the cathode, the outer junctions, PN and PN are forward-biased, while the center NP junction is reverse-biased. Therefore, the NP junction blocks the flow of a positive current from the anode to cathode. The thyristor is said to be in a forward blocking state. Similarly, the flow of a negative current is blocked by the outer PN junctions. The thyristor is in a reverse blocking state.

Another state a thyristor can exist in is the forward conducting state, whereby it receives a sufficient signal to switch on, and it starts conducting.

Let’s take a minute to highlight the unique properties thyristors bring to a circuit by going further into the nature of the signal and the thyristor’s response.

as852123 Jun 1 '22

When it comes to security fencing, one of the best options is welded wire mesh fencing. Its durable and secure design provides you with everything you need for every situation. Here, Weld mesh Fencing Exporter details 5 advantages of choosing welded wire mesh fence.


Welded Wire Mesh Fencing is made of steel for durability and immovable stability. The welded wire mesh is designed to ensure maximum resilience to climbing or damage by potential intruders. It is also tough enough to withstand the impact of large animals and vehicles without the usual damage that other fence types suffer.

Weather Friendly

Its lightweight design allows wind to pass through the panels, reducing the chance of any damage caused by strong winds or stormy weather conditions. This results in very little maintenance after installation.


This type of fence can be used in conjunction with other security measures such as closed circuit television. Ideal for schools, businesses and many environments where maximum security is required and the perimeter can be surveyed.

Easy for viewers to see

The gaps created through safety net fencing provide spectators of sporting events the opportunity to watch and support from behind the fence without disturbing the game or players.

Low Maintenance

Welded wire mesh fencing is manufactured to withstand regular use, be easy to maintain, and last with minimal maintenance and repairs.

If you are considering the option of welded wire mesh fencing then please contact us and we will be happy to give you a quote and help you further. In addition, the company also offers Anti-Climb Fence, so please feel free to contact us if you need any.

What Is Welded Wire Mesh Used For?

Weld mesh is constructed from durable steel wire which is electronically welded at each contact point resulting in a terrifically strong and versatile material. Our steel weld mesh is electronically welded at each intersection making it suitable for a huge range of demanding applications. It is virtually unbreakable and very easy to fabricate, and as a result, it is used to create a variety of safety guards and screens.

It has many uses in both indoor and outdoor applications and is regularly used in industries ranging from agriculture, transport and construction to retail and horticulture.

On a domestic level welded mesh can be used as a cost-effective fencing material, impact screen for windows or as safety covers for drains and open water.

Welded mesh offers a flat surface which maintains a firm structure and can provide support or protection to other goods. Common uses for welded wire mesh, or steel mesh include:

  • Safety covers

  • Fencing and cages

  • Stairways and balustrading

  • Catwalks

  • Large scale construction projects

  • Anti-theft screens

  • Shelving

  • Fishing traps

  • Concrete reinforcement

Our weld mesh panels are available in a lightly copper coated self-colour which protects against rust or a galvanised finish which has a greater degree of protection although it cannot be fabricated.

Welded wire mesh – advantages and applications

The application of factory cut & bend reinforcement has foreseen adaptability owing to the increased need for speed and better quality. Welded wire mesh has been quite useful in addressing this issue. Welded wire mesh is a great reinforcement component for concrete structures. It is an electric fusion welded prefabricated joined grid consisting of a series of parallel longitudinal wires with accurate spacing welded to cross wires at the required spacing. Welded wire mesh is a steel reinforcement material in concrete. The mesh is used for replacing the traditional “cut & bend” and placing of steel thermo-mechanically treated bars. These are made from reinforcing wire, located in two mutually perpendicular directions and connected at the intersection of resistance spot welding. Welded Wire Mesh is a need of the hour in developing countries like India.

Projects must adopt this technique owing to space constraints in setting up cutting, bending and storage yards at the site and speed up the installation process. Provisions exist in the Indian Standards that support the use of Welded Wire Mesh through advice regarding their design and detailing. The welded wire mesh is a metal screen that is made up of low carbon steel wire or stainless steel wire. It is available in various sizes and shapes. The welded wire mesh can be customized for various shapes. Metal can be equipped with special coatings that improve the surfaces to be resistant to chemicals and other corrosive substances.

as852123 Jun 1 '22

Since the germicidal properties of sunlight were discovered over 100 years ago, ultraviolet (UV) light technology has been adapted for cleaning and sanitizing. Take advantage of UV light’s germ-killing properties in your Harleysville, Pennsylvania, home by installing a UV lamp on your air conditioner or air purifier. Here’s how a UV lamp protects your home from invisible, airborne invaders.

UV light is invisible to the human eye, but if we could see it, it would come after violet on the light spectrum, hence the name “ultraviolet” light. One of the ways UV light is different from the light we can see is the way its high frequency affects organisms, such as bacteria and mold. UV light can disrupt these nasties at a cellular level, making them unable to reproduce. That’s what makes UV light useful for decontamination.

There are three different wavelengths of UV light: UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C. Only UV-C light, which has the highest frequency, can be used to eliminate bacteria and mold.

The sun produces all three types of UV light naturally. As the sun’s rays reach the Earth, UV-A and UV-B light pass through the atmosphere, but highest frequency UV-C light is filtered out. It’s a good thing too, because UV-C light is harmful to living things. Its ability to destroy living cells is what makes it dangerous and useful at the same time.

A UV lamp artificially creates UV light so it can be put to various uses, such as sterilizing and purifying. UV lamps come in many different sizes and shapes, allowing them to be used for various purposes, such as detecting counterfeit money, inspecting artwork, or by a ticket agent checking your re-entry stamp at a concert.

A UV lamp is different from a regular lamp because it’s typically made of quartz instead of glass. Inside, there is an inert gas mixed with mercury. When the lamp is plugged in, electricity reacts with the mercury, and the lamp produces UV light. The type of UV light emitted depends on the pressure inside the lamp. Not all UV lamps produce the UV-C germ-killing wavelength.

The coils on the HVAC equipment in your home — such as an air conditioner or air purifier — are prone to the buildup of harmful bacteria and mold. When these coils aren’t cleaned properly, airborne contaminants circulate into your home. This makes it uncomfortable for family members with respiratory problems, and it can aggravate allergies or asthma and also cause sickness. Using a UV lamp to sterilize the coils on your HVAC equipment has been proven to improve indoor air quality.

How is a UV Lamp Installed?

Most of the UV lamps in HVAC equipment are “stick type” lamps that can be installed inside the equipment and wired into the same electricity as the HVAC unit itself.

It is important to install the UV lamp where it will do your unit the most good. That means selecting a place where the UV light will shine directly on the unit’s coils. The parts of your HVAC unit that are not directly in the UV light will still grow contaminants.

Some HVAC units are manufactured with UV lamps already in place, but others can be retrofitted with a UV lamp. A professional HVAC technician can install a UV lamp in your HVAC equipment.

Do I Need to Maintain a UV Lamp?

The longer a UV lamp is used, the less effective its germ-killing becomes. Replacement of UV lamps in HVAC equipment is recommended every year. You can have the bulb in your UV lamp replaced at the same time as the annual maintenance on your HVAC equipment is completed.

Using a UV lamp to improve the indoor air quality in your Harleysville home is simple and effective. New Age Air provides indoor air quality solutions, including air cleaning units as well as UV lamps. Call 610-298-0271 to speak to a New Age Air representative about your indoor air quality needs today.

as852123 Jun 1 '22

When purchasing an outfit, we know we’re making much more than a fashion statement. For better or for worse, we’re also making an environmental impact. That’s why, when it comes to clothing and fabric, we believe in quality over quantity. And what better way to prioritise quality – and the environment – than by choosing sustainable textiles and eco-friendly fabric?

Sustainable fabrics offer loads of benefits for the planet, your wardrobe, and even your bank account. We’re going to dive into questions like “what are sustainable fabrics?” and “is cotton biodegradable?” But first, let’s discuss what sustainable fabric really is.

Because it uses a lot of water, pesticides, and takes up land which could otherwise be used for crops, cotton is not often considered as sustainable. That is, unless it’s organic cotton! Organic and sustainable cotton is a very in-demand fabric choice when it comes to ethical shopping. It’s grown and manufactured in a way that minimizes the environmental impact and supports livelihoods and communities.

Is cotton biodegradable? Yes! Since it’s a natural fabric, this sustainable textile is completely biodegradable.

Another sought-after sustainable clothing material is viscose, but again, this depends on how it’s made!

Viscose is a semi-synthetic type of rayon fabric made from wood pulp and is often used as a substitute for silk. Viscose such as Lyocell, Tencel, Modal, and Refibra are made from sustainable forests and have a much kinder chemical process which doesn’t use nasty chemicals. The process to make Lyocell is actually completely waste-free, for example, as every biproduct is recycled in some way. This sustainable material is absorbent, lightweight, breathable, and soft.

Is viscose biodegradable? Yes, it is! While viscose is not the eco-friendliest material out there, it’s a great biodegradable fabric compared to acrylic, nylon, and polyester.

Sustainable fashion materials are very durable and built to last, making them easy to care for! There should be no issue using a machine to wash your sustainable items, but always be sure to check the tags to be on the safe side. Unless the tags say otherwise, opt for a mild detergent when cleaning your clothes. And, if you want to give your garments a special treatment, try Ultimate Care Fresh Skies.

Fabric conditioner is also sustainable as it helps keep your clothes like new – reducing the need to replace them! Added in the final stage of the washing process, Comfort coats the fibres of your clothes and helps to keep them soft, smelling great, and able to retain their shape and colour. It helps to keep them from bobbling and makes them easy to iron, and with less static. Not only will you be taking extra care of your clothes with this 100% recycled fabric conditioner, but you’ll also be taking extra care of the environment.

Now that you have a better understanding of what it means to shop for sustainable fabric, you can make more informed, mindful decisions when buying clothes. Whether it be asking “is viscose biodegradable?” or figuring out what certifications to look for on a tag, you’re already one step closer to improving your wardrobe and our beautiful blue planet.

What is Stretch Fabric?

Summer is now rapidly approaching, and all around us, we see the reemergence of outdoor activity. The beaches are becoming more crowded and public pools have shed their winter tarps. While stores have begun to line their shelves with the newest swimwear fashion. But, whether you know it or not, those swimsuits wouldn’t be nearly as stylish or practical without one important material, stretch fabrics. Stretch fabrics can actually be found throughout your everyday life, often allowing you to go about your day in comfort. While stretch fabrics are an important piece of your life, they tend to go overlooked. So instead, let’s dive into a deeper understanding of just what goes into this special fabric, and why it all matters.

In the 1960s, DuPont, a chemical company, developed a new process for manufacturing fabrics that could stretch without damaging its structural integrity. What DuPont created was stretch knit fabrics, a malleable yet durable fabric that could easily be distorted, only to return to its original form. Where stretch fabrics differ from woven fabrics is the knit pattern that uses interlaced loops, compared to the grid pattern of fibers that can be found in woven materials.

This new innovation was originally exclusively used in producing swimwear and women’s bras. However, its knit designed, coupled with naturally elastic fibers, made stretch knit the fabric of choice for many athletes. In the mid-1980s, a major shift occurred when designers began to incorporate stretch fabrics into mainstream fashion. Today, you can still find stretch fabrics in swimwear as well as countless other products, everything from leotards to blue jeans. If you go for a run, chances are your entire outfit is made from stretch fabrics, even your running shoes. If you’re relaxing at home in your jeans and sweatshirt, there are actually stretch fibers in those items too.

as852123 Jun 1 '22
Industrial Grade Reusable ContainersAn intermediate bulk container (or IBC) is a pallet mounted, industrial grade reusable container that is used for storing and transporting bulk liquids and powders. Also known as a tote, the IBC is capable of stacking and can be moved by a pallet jack or forklift.
The three broad types of IBCs in use today can be categorized under rigid, folding and flexible.

The term ‘intermediate’ comes from the volume that intermediate bulk containers carry, which sits in between that of tanks and drums. The two most common volumes of the rigid IBC are 275 gallons and 330 gallons.

Common Uses

IBCs are used for the transport and storage of:

  • Chemicals

  • Solvents

  • Pharmaceuticals

  • Liquids

  • Food ingredients

  • Sand

  • Grains

Intermediate bulk containers have all also been used in unique areas such as aquaponics, general bulk storage, and the collecting of rainwater for drinking or harvesting.

This depends on many factors including whether the IBC will be reused or not, the durability needed and legal requirements. In the case of cube shaped rigid IBCs, the inner containers are often made from a plastic such as polyethylene or high density polyethylene (HDPE). They are also available in other materials such as aluminum or galvanized iron. TranPak’s IBCs are made of HDPE. The rigid outer container or cage is usually made from galvanized tubular steel or iron. Folding IBCs don’t have a rigid outer cage and are made of very durable plastic that folds inward when empty. Flexible IBCs or bulk bags are made from various heavy duty materials such as woven polypropylene or polyethylene.IBCs are a very cost effective way to safely move a variety of products from point A to point B.
Cube shaped rigid IBCs often have a standard footprint of 48″x40″ which enables easy shipping, conveying and transport due to it being a common pallet size in North America and other countries.
There is a tap or valve at the base where a hose can be attached to allow easy transfer of contents into smaller containers for easy packaging, distribution and sale in your target location. This is important when certain packaging and legal requirements need to be ensured locally.
Cube shaped rigid IBCs can be stacked for optimal use of space during shipping and storage. Both folding and flexible IBCs use even less space once empty on return journeys which is a bonus however they are not suitable for all kinds of substances. Nor are they as durable as a rigid intermediate bulk container. IBCs are more effective than round tanks as more of them can occupy the same space.
as852123 Jun 1 '22
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