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Diamond saw blades are made with teeth that have been coated in a strong carbon grit mixture. These saw blades are designed to cut through materials that would wear away normal blades, including stone, clay, concrete and similar substances. Diamond blades are usually designed for these tough materials. Trying to cut wood with a diamond saw might not lead to good results.

Diamond Saw Damage

Diamond saws are designed to be the most durable blades for the most difficult saw projects. You will not need to worry about damaging the diamond saw blade itself. These blades are made to withstand stone materials. The soft fibers of wood boards will not hurt the blade itself. The danger is in how the diamond blade treats the wood itself.

General Purpose of Diamond Blades

General purpose dry diamond saw blades can be used for several materials, but reconsider before using them to cut wood. The harsh grit of the diamond blade can cut tile and masonry with straight lines. When applied to wood, however, the blades might create a rough cut, ripping apart fibers, or might make it too easy to create crooked cuts. In most cases, it is better to use a traditional steel blade for wood.

Wood Cutting Blades

Carbide-tipped saw blades are designed especially for wood. These are similar to diamond saw blades, but are designed with teeth and coatings that will make it easier to cut wood, especially hardwoods. If you do want to use a diamond saw blade, ensure that you use a carbide version that is specifically designed for wood.


Some exceptions exist to using diamond blades on boards. For example, fiber cement board comes in planks and might resemble wood, but it is actually made from cementitious materials. Do not assume that the board shape means it is made of wood. Diamond saws work well when cutting fiber cement and similar materials for construction products.

How to Cut Concrete

Concrete—most of us have a love-hate relationship with it. Love it when we need a permanent, heavy-duty, weather-resistant surface. Hate it when we gotta repair, replace or cut the stuff.

The prospect of cutting concrete can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Most of the battle can be won by simply selecting the right tools. Try a concrete saw. Following is a rundown of common concrete-cutting tasks—from dinky to monster-sized—and the best tools and techniques for handling them.

Blades made of corundum may be cheap, but on a per-cut basis, they’re more expensive than diamond-tipped blades. If you rent a diamond circular saw blade, many rental centers will measure its perimeter before and after and charge you by the 1/1,000th inch used.

You can make small rough cuts using a cold chisel and sledgehammer (Photos 2 and 3), but the better choice is a circular saw with a special blade.

Dry-cutting diamond blades most often have a serrated or toothed rim (Photo 1) to help cool the blade and eject waste. They work best when you make a series of gradually deeper cuts to avoid overheating the blade. The downside to dry-cutting masonry is the tornado of fine dust it creates. If you cut concrete indoors, seal off the area with plastic and duct tape. Seal all duct openings as well.

Wet-cutting diamond blades can have either teeth or a smooth, continuous perimeter. Water not only helps cool and lubricate the blade but also keeps the dust down. These cut the fastest and cleanest, but they require a special saw that can both distribute water and be safely used around it. As a make-do option, you can plug your saw into a GFCI-protected extension cord and have a helper carefully direct a small stream of water just in front of your saw as it cuts.

1. Good for the brain

Walnuts contain important phytochemicals, as well as high amounts of polyunsaturated fats that offer potential benefits for both brain health and function. Omega-3 fatty acids play a part by helping reduce oxidative stress in the brain but also by helping to improve brain signalling and neurogenesis, which is how new neurons are formed.

As well as high levels of beneficial fats, other important nutrients such as vitamin E, folate and the protective phytochemical, ellagic acid, are all found in walnuts, and contribute to its neuroprotective and memory enhancing properties.

Discover the 10 foods that can boost your brainpower.

2. Mood-boosting

Omega-3 fatty acids are important for the development and function of the central nervous system. Promising research and clinical evidence indicate omega-3 fatty acids could well play a role in certain mood disorders.

Although, a study specifically evaluating the effect of walnuts reported mixed findings, the inclusion of walnuts in the diet of non-depressed, young healthy males did appear to improve mood.

3. Heart healthy

The Journal of Nutrition reports that consumption of walnuts may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and that walnut oil provides more favourable benefits to endothelial function, which is the lining of the inside of our blood and lymphatic vessels. There has also been research into whole walnuts, and how they can improve cholesterol levels and markers for inflammation, which is also connected to a reduced risk of heart disease.

A study by the British Journal of Nutrition found that those who consumed nuts more than four times a week reduced their risk of coronary heart disease by as much as 37 per cent.

4. May support weight loss

There has been some evidence to demonstrate that consuming walnuts in the place of other foods does not cause weight gain, even though they are energy rich, offering a great snack alternative for those looking to manage their weight.

5. Support a healthy digestive system

A recent animal study has shown consuming walnuts can enrich the gut microbiota, the community of beneficial microbes which live in our intestines, and in particular increase strains of beneficial probiotic bacteria. This has been repeated in humans with reports of increases in beneficial strains and especially those which produce butyrate, a by-product which supports the health of the gut.

IIn past decades, stick welders did not have much information about gases with regards to welding. This whole concept changed with the invention of TIG and MIG welding machines and their constant rise in usage. Gas is now considered a common commodity in most welding workshops. But how much does welding gas cost? If you’re just setting up shop, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll break down where to get welding gas and the costs associated with it.

Welding gases can be outsourced from various vendors depending on your location and the type of gas you require. Most vendors provide the option of free delivery for local orders and charge a few bucks for regional deliveries.

Welders use welding gases for several reasons, with the main one being shielding the arc from impurities such as dust. Gases are also used to heat metals during welding and to keep the welds clean.

Inert gases are known for not causing any changes to the materials. They also remain in the same state during welding. This ability makes welding more comfortable without weakening or distorting the welds. Reactive gases are the opposite of inert gases. They react by changing their states and causing changes to the materials. This property makes these gases ideal for enhancing the fusion of metals.

What is a CO2 Tank Cylinder?

You might have noticed that most bars and pubs use a CO2 tank cylinder, where the drink is to be served. CO2 tank cylinders are used to pressurize the beer draft system. CO2 tank cylinder which is used for brewing, are mostly made from aluminum. They also come in steel tank is a variety is sizes.

The quality of a CO2 tank cylinder should be really good. It all depends on what type of tank you have because it will surely affect the taste of your drink. Once you get the idea of how to use your cylinder properly, you can easily make new beverages with lots of bubbles, and you can also design plans for your beverages, keeping safety in mind of course.

Well here is the perfect answer to your question. CO2 gas forced into this cylinder, the more it’s forced, and the more inner molecules get close to each other. The molecules inside the cylinder get so close that crowding of gas happens and the movement of the molecules become very slow. When the molecules slow down, they lose heat energy and hence get cold.

When the temperature reaches 880 psi (pounds per square inch), the molecules release enough heat energy to get cold enough to turn into liquid. When these liquids go through some temperature changes, like an increase in temperature, the volume of the liquids expands. In the liquid state, CO2 can be stored in it a lot more than in the gas state. In short, you get to store a huge amount of CO2 in the tank cylinder.

Pressure plays a huge role in this cylinder. It’s all about the pressure; it is the key thing to note. To provide a push for your draft beer system, the pressure has to be nearly 880 psi. Initially, at this pressure, only CO2 is stored inside the tank cylinder, but once you open the lid of the tank, some of the CO2 is released in the form of vapors and turns back to its previous state that is gas. This gas is then allowed to flow into the gas side of your draft beer system.

Unlike growlers, CO2 tanks don’t have a good system of insulation. They have to be handled with a lot of care. A sudden temperature increase can expand the liquid inside it; hence, it can make the tank so hot that it can burn your fingers. So safety measures should be taken properly. This can be done by having a CO2 regulator; the regulator controls the high pressure of the gas to a manageable and prevents the tank from heating up drastically.

Most people turn door handles every day and never even give a second thought to the parts of a door handle until they need or choose to replace part or all of the handle. If you're going to DIY your door hardware, it can be useful to know more about door handle components first. The parts of a door handle include knobs/levers, latch mechanisms, strike plates, boxes and cylinder locks.

The most obviously noticeable part of the door handle is the knob or lever that actually allows the door to open. Knobs are generally round, although they may come in other shapes, and they open the door by turning, whereas levers (also called lever handles) open the door by pushing down. While it's pretty hard to install a door handle in the wrong direction, it's important to pay attention to the direction of a lever when installing one.

While not the most important of door knob parts, a rosette is the plate behind the door handle or lever. While the rosettes in most homes are simple metal pieces, they can be elegantly detailed, and some door handles, particularly those with vintage designs, don't have a rosette at all.

The Latch Mechanism

Perhaps the most important of all door handle parts is the latch mechanism. This is the spring-loaded piece that protrudes past the door, keeping the door closed. While most latch mechanisms use a retracting tubular latch mechanism that goes in when the handle is turned, some doors, like closets, use a ball latch. A ball latch doesn't retract when the handle is turned but instead is simply pushed open or closed in order to catch it on the specially indented strike plate.

The latch itself is generally fitted to the door with a mortise plate, which provides additional security and makes installation more easy so the latch is properly situated in the door in order to catch on the door frame when the door is closed. Additionally, the mortise plate makes the latch mechanism look much more attractive than simply having a floating latch stick out the side of the door.

When the door is pushed closed, the strike plate is the metal piece that the latch is pushed into on the door jam. The box is the hole where the latch fits in, which may or may not be fitted with a strike plate.

Ball latches require a special, shallow strike plate, but most retracting tubular latches don't require a strike plate because they will still retract and go into the box when pushed against a door frame. That being said, strike plates make the door function more smoothly, look more attractive and protect the door frame from damage caused by repeatedly being pressed on by the latch.

A beef animal selected for slaughter should be healthy and in thrifty condition. Keep the animal off feed 24 hours before slaughter, but provide free access to water.

Do not run or excite the animal prior to slaughter because this may cause poor bleeding and give the carcass a bloody appearance.

The weather, especially expected temperatures the few days following slaughter, is extremely important. Night temperatures should be 32°F or lower for the carcass to chill properly without refrigeration.

The meat will spoil if improperly chilled and stored during warm weather. Also, during extremely cold weather, the meat should be protected from freezing by covering it with a clean cover.

Slaughter should be done in a dry, clean, dust-free area. A well-drained grassy area is recommended.

Take precautions during slaughter, chilling, and processing to keep the carcass and cuts clean and free from contamination. Use clean equipment, keep hands clean, wear clean clothing, and keep work and storage areas clean.

The carcass can be chilled without refrigeration by hanging it in a dry, clean building. Freedom from odors or contamination is essential.

Most meat spoilage and off-odors and flavors can be attributed to one or more of the following causes:

  1. Improper chilling of the carcass. The internal temperature of the round and other thick parts should be lowered to 40-45°F within 24 hours after slaughter.

  2. Adsorption of off-odors. When the carcass is chilled and aged in an area with any odor (manure, gasoline, paint, musty odor, etc) the carcass will absorb it.

  3. Poor sanitation during slaughter, chilling, and processing. This contamination with microorganisms causes off-odors, off-flavors, and spoilage.

  4. Improper freezing and storage of frozen meat. Packaged meat should be quick-frozen and stored at 0° to 5°F. Home freezers are for storage of products already frozen, not for quick-freezing large quantities of meat. Small quantities, preferably less than 25 pounds, can be satisfactorily frozen at home by placing meat in the freezer with at least one inch of space between each package.

The minimum required items of equipment for home slaughtering are as follows.

  • Stunning device such as 22 caliber rifle.

  • Block and tackle, chain hoist, or tractor equipped with hydraulic lift.

  • Beef spreader (singletree equipped with hooks on both ends and a ring in the center will do).

  • 24- or 28-inch meat saw.

  • 6-inch sharp skinning knife, 6-inch boning knife, and 8-inch butcher knife.

  • 10- or 12-inch steel bucket to hold water for washing hands.

  • Ample clean water and clean hand towels.

When talking about covered yarn, one talks basically about elastane yarns that have at least one more yarn wrapped around. Covering however is not exclusively applied to elastane, sometimes also fine wires are covered.
There are two purposes of covering a yarn: one needs an elasticity which normal textile yarn cannot provide while one would still like to keep the apperance of the textile yarn. This is the case for covering elastane where most often a textile Polyester / Polyamide / ... is wrapped around the elastane core.

Covering a yarn can also be in order to hide something. This is most often the case when covering fine wires. The yarn that is wrapped around gives the looks whereas the core (the fine wire) still provides the functionality (like conductivity).

Single covered yarns are yarns where a second yarn is wrapped around a core yarn.

Double covered yarns are yarns where two separate yarns are wrapped around a core yarn.

The second layer of wrapping mainly serves to compensate the twist direction of the first layer.

With air covered yarns, the outer yarn is intermingled around the core yarn.

A non-elastic multilfilament yarn can for example be intermingled with an elasthane yarn that is in the core. This construction can be of help in certain embroidery applications.

In the example of Elasthane, a non elastic yarn gets wrapped around a twisted elasthane yarn. The elasthane is thus fully covered by the non elastic yarn which leads the yarn as a whole to have the look as well as the haptics of the non elastic yarn. However, the perks of elasthane are still to be noticed when wearing a fabric that is made out of such a core spun yarn by a much higher wear comfort for example.

Till now we have told you about many types of business related to customer service center, such as how to become a bank friend or how to get a franchise of a post office. Today we are going to tell you about another such business, which you can open and provide service in your village or city.

The kiosk are a small internet enabled booth through which customers can perform various tasks related to the bank. Kiosks are being opened by banks of our country in many areas. So that people can easily do their bank work through them without going to a bank branch.

A kiosk machine is like an ATM machine, but where only the money can be withdrawn from the ATM machine, in addition to withdrawing money from the kiosk machine, money can be deposited through it and money can also be sent to any other account

How to work through kiosk banking

Those who will be opening kiosks also have to open No Frills Savings Bank accounts (without depositing any money) from the people. To do this, they will have to take people’s photos and their finger prints and send all these information to the concerned bank. At the same time, when this account will be opened by the bank, the person opening the account will be able to deposit their money through the kiosk branch, get it out and do other types of work related to the bank.

Under kiosk banking, a maximum of Rs 50,000 can be deposited in an account and daily transactions up to Rs 10,000 can be done. Therefore, if a customer has to deposit more than Rs 50,000, then he has to go to the bank branch and similarly if he has to withdraw more than 10 thousand money, then he will have to go to the bank branch.

People who have opened customer service centers can easily start kiosk banking service from their center. In fact, many banks have been associated with the customer service center scheme launched by the Government of India and are offering services of kiosks in these centers. On the other hand, people who are not bank friends need not be disappointed because any person can apply to get kiosk banking.

However, only those people who are at least 18 years of age and who have studied up to the minimum 12th standard can apply to open kiosk banking. Apart from this, that person should also have 100 to 200 square feet of space and should also have computer, printer and net facilities.

Underwater excavation is called dredging. A dredge is a machine that scoops or suctions sediment from the bottom of the waterways or is used to mine materials underwater. While the instrumentation of modern dredges is computer assisted, the basic excavation methods of dredges have remained the same since the late 1800s. The two main types of dredges Local 25 members work aboard are mechanical dredges and hydrhydraulic dredges.

Mechanical dredges remove material by scooping it from the bottom and then placing it onto a waiting barge or a disposal area. The two most common types of mechanical dredges are dipper dredges and clamshell dredges. These names refer to the type of scooping buckets they employ. The dredge is mounted on a large barge and is usually towed to the dredge site and secured in by anchors or anchor pilings, called spuds. Disposal barges, called dump scows, are used in conjunction with the mechanical dredge.

Hydraulic dredges work by sucking a mixture of dredged material and water from the channel bottom. The amount of water sucked up with the material is controlled to make the best mixture. Pipeline and hopper dredges are the two main types of hydraulic dredges.

Pipeline dredges suck dredged material through one end and push it out the discharge pipeline directly into the disposal site. Most pipeline dredges have a cutterhead on the suction end. A cutterhead is a mechanical device that has rotating blades or teeth to break up or loosen the bottom material so that it can be sucked through the dredge. Pipeline dredges are mounted to barges and usually not self-powered, but are towed to the dredging site and secured in place by anchor piling, called spuds.

Hopper dredges are ships with large hoppers, or containment areas, inside. The dredge suctions dredged material from the channel bottom through long intake pipes and stores it in the hoppers. When the hoppers are full, the dredged material is either pumped off through a pipeline or the ship travels to an in-water disposal site, where the dredged material is discharged through the bottom of the ship.

Disposal site selection for dredged material is one of the most important and challenging parts of planning a dredging project. The most common disposal methods are beach renourishment, ocean placement and confined disposal facilities.

Beach renourishment is the placement of dredged material on or near the beach through a pipeline, usually to replenish an eroding beach or protect an eroding wetland. This is the most visible dredging project to the public. The dredged material is generally sand coming from inlets, coastal entrance bars, or main offshore waterways. Both hopper dredges and pipeline dredges can use beach renourishment sites. Once the dredged material is on the beach, heavy equipment operators help control the placement and direction of the sand.

Underbites, overbites and teeth that are crooked, crowded or have large gaps can all be treated with braces. There are just as many options in braces as there are problems they solve.

Parents of today had far less choice as teenagers; it was just the standard metal braces available back then. Now, their children can be fitted with a range of different options in braces.

Orthodontist have developed new treatments over the years to improve the aesthetics of braces. But choosing the right treatment method takes time and careful consideration.

Types of Braces

The most commonly used types of braces are:

Metal Braces

These are the traditional braces made of high-quality stainless steel. An arch wire is attached to brackets on the teeth which provides even pressure to move teeth in the correct direction.

Ceramic Braces

Using tooth-coloured ceramic brackets rather than metal and a white wire, ceramic braces are an appealing option for many patients. Also called clear braces, ceramic braces are virtually invisible. They are a popular choice for adults who prefer the subtle look compared to metal braces. Ceramics are also ideal for patients that like to have their photo taken or will attend important events while they are wearing braces.

Lingual Braces

Also called inside braces, lingual braces are custom made brackets designed to fit the contour on the inside of each tooth. A wire joins the brackets together and pulls the teeth into position by pulling from the inside. Just as effective as standard outside braces, however they take longer to fit as each bracket needs to be custom made. Appointments with lingual braces may also need to be more frequent and take longer than traditional braces.Lingual braces may also be more challenging to keep clean and may affect the speech in some patients.

Lingual braces are most common amongst adults who are self conscious of how they will look with traditional braces, particularly in the workplace. Lingual braces are virtually undetectable but users may need to wear elastic bands which people can see.


Invisalign is one of the newest options available. The patient wears a series of custom plastic trays for two weeks each which slowly move the teeth into the preferred position. The aligners are virtually invisible and are more comfortable to wear with no metal parts to rub against gums and inside the mouth. The patient doesn‘t need to make any changes to their diet and can clean their teeth as they always have because the Invisalign retainers are removed for eating and cleaning.

Which One Should you Choose?

It’s not just the aesthetics of the braces that will determine which one you choose. There are a few factors you should consider including cost, hygiene and the final result.


In our experience, some patients worry unnecessarily about how they will look with braces. They can remain self conscious about the braces long after everyone else has forgotten about them. But if the look of the braces is a concern for you, then consider lingual or ceramic braces that are invisible or hardly noticeable.

So you’ve got the right paints, the best brushes and canvases as far as the eye can see – all you need now is the perfect artists easel and you’re ready to create your first masterpiece! Whether you’re working in a studio space, spare room or the kitchen, a reliable easel can be a valuable piece of studio equipment. A good easel can help your posture and offers you a dedicated painting space. There’ll be no more clearing the dining table before you begin painting!

Artists easels come in all shapes and sizes – from large, sturdy studio easels to portable easels to take on your painting trips. You may have never used an easel before, even if you have been painting for a long time. Many artists come to use them first in a college or tutoring setting. Other artists may find that they do not need an easel at all. The most important thing to consider when selecting your easel is practicality. We’ll introduce you to the different types of easels that we stock, and give you some hints and tips that will help you select an easel that is best for you.

Before you buy your first easel it’s important to think about what you need from one. Where will you use your easel? What size is your work? Which painting mediums do you use? What is your painting style like? Are you comfortable standing at an easel or would you need to sit down? Do you have any accessibility issues that need to be taken into consideration? These are all questions you will need to ask yourself that will help you narrow down your choices.

Easels offer different benefits to different artists. Some artists that use easels find that their painting process is much freer. The distance between you and the easel allows for more freedom of movement. There won’t be the restriction to making movements just from the wrist. This is beneficial for artists who favour a loose, energetic style of painting. If you do paint energetically it would be wise to consider buying as sturdy an easel as you can afford. A wooden studio easel would be able to withstand the energy of your movements. A lightweight metal easel would be more unstable. If you are working on a small scale with delicate strokes this wouldn’t be as much of a problem. You will still need your easel to be sturdy, but you could get away with using a more lightweight version.

The environment in which you wish to paint will affect your choice of easel. If you are painting outdoors you will need something compact and portable. If you have a large studio then you may have more space for a sturdier easel. In a spare room you may need to move or store your easel when not in use. You will need something lightweight or even collapsible. Painting in a communal area may mean that you are only able to work from an table mountable easel.

Easels can only hold surfaces up to a maximum height. This is something you will need to double check before you make a purchase. The weight of your work may also be a factor you need to consider. Although most easels will hold canvases of a considerable weight, artists who work with large amounts of mediums, thick paint and collage may need to double check that their paintings do not go above this weight. If you regularly paint work on weighty canvas you would probably be best investing in a heavier studio easel.
