as852126's blog

Whether you’re shipping or storing something, we want to make sure you get your packaging right. The terminology between the two words often gets mixed up. And lord knows there’s just way too many special jargon out there in the printing world.

So to make things easier to understand for the rest of us, I will provide a simple rule of thumb below:

What’s the difference?

While both boxes and cartons are made out of paper materials, cartons are usually thinner of the two. You’ll see it used in cereal boxes, milk cartons, pharmaceuticals, and more.

A box, on the other hand, uses thicker paper stock that is mostly meant for shipping. As it’s built for durability, you will most likely notice multiple layers of paper that include an inside and an outer layer with a ruffled shaped paper sandwiched in between. Probably very easy to imagine since most of us have opened up a UPS or Amazon package at some point.

What’s the best for your business?

Depending on the industry, your packaging material may vary. What’s used in the food industry will differ from the footwear industry of course. So if you’re looking for packaging that is:

  • Lightweight

  • Affordable

  • Safe

  • Customizable

  • Eco-friendly

  • Durable

  • Or Affordable

Every year around this time, an "ugly" shoe trend seems to burst onto the scene and become the "it" look of the season. It happened with tourist sandals in 2019 and Birkenstocks in 2018, and now it's happening again with water shoes.

If your parents ever made you wear these waterproof shoes at the beach when you were a kid, the term probably conjures up images of mesh, flexible footwear in bright neon colors. But water shoes have gotten a major makeover in recent years and now they're vying for the hearts of fashionistas everywhere, according to a new column in the New York Times.

Traditionally, consumers have relied on water shoes to protect their feet from rocks, provide traction and drain water during all sorts of outdoor activities. But similarly to Crocs, they've usually been a purely functional piece of footwear. "Since they were mainly used for water activities like kayaking, hiking and swimming, water shoes have not been regarded for their style," Sara Skirboll, RetailMeNot shopping and trends expert, told TODAY Style.

But in recent years, the shoe style has transformed in look and feel; nowadays, anything from sock-like shoes to sneakers and sandals can double as water shoes.

The style has even caught the attention of some well-known — and luxurious — brands. Balenciaga models walked down a wet runway wearing a type of hybrid water sock/shoe in March.

Popular footwear brand Teva also recently partnered with Opening Ceremony for a mesh "Hurricane Sock" shoe.

So why are people suddenly embracing this typically "ugly" shoe style? It might have something to do with our overall shift in fashion preferences during the coronavirus pandemic.

"Water shoes may be increasing in popularity as more people are finding new ways to stay healthy, fit and venture out while gyms are closed, which makes hiking, swimming and climbing perfect activities," Skirboll said.

With so many of us finding new ways to explore our own states and putting off scheduled summer vacations, shoes that are fit for outdoor activities have exploded in popularity, and designers have stepped in to dress up the typically utilitarian shoes.

"The desire for comfort and utility is more apparent than ever, but that doesn’t mean those who are fashion-forward want to disown their sense of style. Therefore, we’re seeing luxury brands fill this gap in the market by creating products like water shoes that are functional but still carry the clout of a high-fashion brand," Stitch Fix style expert Layne Cross told TODAY.

Society's sudden penchant for water shoes might also have something to do with the fact that "ugly" shoes, like Crocs, have been creeping into the mainstream for quite some time.

Looking at the light source itself through the diffusion we can clearly see how a combination of direct light and diffuse light creates a harder source (as in the Spun and Opal options). As the definition of the original light source becomes increasingly obfuscated by the diffusion material, the overall size of the source increases and the quality of light is softened substantially.

The Tough Spun has very interesting properties. As it is a fine pattern of thin threads, there are clear spots along the material where direct light can shine through. This means that it produces a combination of both hard and diffuse light. You can see this illustrated in the images of the geometric shapes from our test, as both the umbra and penumbra of the shadows are well-defined.

“Tough Spun doesn’t really change the shadow transfer value [from that of a hard-light source],” notes Williams. “The shadows are still sharp, with just a reduction in contrast. All three of the Tough Spun strengths have this same behavior. This effect is clearest in the heaviest of the three, Full Tough Spun, where the penumbra has a clean, hard line, and the umbra of the shadow, although diminished, is still clearly defined. The Light Opal, on the other hand — as minimal an effect as it might have — starts to produce a breakdown in the definition of the penumbra, denoting more softness to the light.

“It was very interesting to me that the Tough Spun lent a texture to the light, a lot like a cookie or a celo cookie,” Williams continues. “It’s subtle, but it does project a pattern onto the subject.” As with any projected pattern, the farther away the pattern-producing material is from the light source, the better-defined the pattern will be on the subject.

The amount of diffusion increases with 1⁄4 216, which, we can see, produces very similar effects in terms of shadow quality to 1⁄2 216 and 1⁄4 Grid Cloth. Full Grid Cloth and 216 also produce very similar effects to one another, although Full Grid Cloth offers more diffusion of the light, as can be seen in the more diffuse penumbra; the definition of the shape is almost completely gone.

To further understand how diffusion works, we need to take a look at the material itself and see our light source behind it. The quality of light is created by the size of the light source relative to the subject, but if our diffusion material isn’t wholly opaque and we can still see some of the original source behind that material, then the actual fixture — in addition to the “new” light source created by the diffusion — has an effect on the overall quality of light. This is how lighter diffusions, even at the same size and placed at the same distance to the subject, create light that is less soft than what results from heavier diffusions — because they effectively combine the scattered light of the new apparent light source with the direct light of the original source, which is farther away and smaller.

Before taking your blood pressure

  • Find a quiet place.

  • Check to be sure you have the correct size cuff. If you are not sure, or if you have questions, talk to your healthcare provider. (Avoid wrist and finger monitors to ensure an accurate blood pressure reading.)

  • Roll up the sleeve on your left arm or remove any tight-sleeved clothing, if needed. (It's best to take your blood pressure from your left arm if you are right-handed. However, you can use the other arm if you have been told to do so by your healthcare provider.)

  • Rest in a chair next to a table for 5 to 10 minutes. (Your left arm should rest comfortably at heart level.)

  • Sit up straight with your back against the chair, legs uncrossed and on the ground.

  • Rest your forearm on the table with the palm of your hand facing up.

  • You should not talk, read the newspaper, or watch television during this process.

Taking your blood pressure

If you buy a manual or digital blood pressure monitor (sphygmomanometer), follow the instruction booklet carefully.

Record your blood pressure

If you have been asked to record your blood pressure and bring your readings to the office, please write down the date, time of day, systolic and diastolic numbers, heart rate, and which arm you took the reading on. If you are taking part in a program that has remote monitoring, your blood pressure readings are automatically shared with your medical provider. If you are unsure, please ask your provider.

This blog post is part of a new feature on AWRF where our members provide valuable insight into the industry.

Mishandling of workplace materials is the single largest cause of accidents in the workplace. Fortunately, most of these accidents are avoidable. With wire rope slings playing an important role with cranes, derricks, and hoists, it’s important to understand how to make a proper selection.

A wire rope sling is made of wire rope. It is composed of single wires that have been twisted into strands. These strands are then twisted to form a wire rope.

Here are 4 important characteristics to keep in mind when selecting a wire rope sling

1. Strength

The strength of a wire rope sling is a function of size, grade, and construction. It needs to accommodate the applied maximum load. The more a sling is used, both the design and the sling’s strength are reduced. A sling loaded beyond it strength will fail. For older slings it’s important to inspect often.

2. Fatigue

Wire rope slings must be able to take repeated bending without wires failing due to fatigue, sometimes called bending without failure. The best way to preventing fatigue failure is to use blocking or padding to increase the radius of bend.

3. Abrasive Wear

The ability of wire rope to withstand abrasion. It’s determined by size, number of wires, and construction of the rope. Remember that smaller wires bend easier and offer greater flexibility, which also means they are more susceptible to abrasion.

4. Abuse

The misuse of a wire rope will cause the sling to be unsafe well before any other reason. Kinking or bird caging will reduce the strength of a wire rope. Bird caging is forcibly untwisting the wire rope strands and they become spread outward. Be sure to keep up proper use per the manufacturer specifications.

These are just four factors to consider when determining the best wire rope slings for your application. Keep in mind that weight, size, flexibility, and shape of the loads being handled will also affect the life of a wire rope sling.

In the ongoing debate of air conditioners vs air coolers, we list down few important pointers that will offer a clear idea of why you should opt for an air cooler.
But first things first, should you buy an air cooler?
A cooler can be used by everyone, especially people living around hot and dry weather. One can choose from a dessert cooler, a window cooler or even a personal cooler, depending on the requirements.

Read on to know more about why to choose an air cooler over an air conditioner.

Have you ever wondered about how an AC or an air cooler functions and how does it affect the quality of air in your home?

An air conditioner circulates the internal air of the room over and over again, whereas an air cooler pulls fresh air from outside and then cools it down. Also, air cooler doesn’t make the air overly dry like an air conditioner. Because of the way it operates, an air cooler offers better quality of air for your room. So much so, that the air circulated from an air cooler is preferable for people with asthma or dust allergy.

When it comes to value for money, an air cooler definitely scores high over an AC. Even though both end up cooling the room, an AC can cost anything ranging from ₹30,000 to ₹60,000, whereas a cooler will be available from ₹5000 to ₹15,000. Also, apart from the initial cost of purchasing, even the operating cost of an air cooler is less than an AC. You can approximately expect 80% less electricity bill from a cooler as compared to an AC, making it economical in the long run.

Going green is something that concerns all of us, and air coolers trumps the card here as well. Air conditioners use CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon) and HFC (hydro-chlorofluorocarbons) as their refrigerant, which is quite harmful to the environment. On the other hand, air coolers are eco-friendlier, since they use water as the refrigerant.

Air cooler requires no installation, which is a cumbersome task in the case of an air conditioner. Whether you have a window AC or a split AC, they require additional arrangements for installation. An air cooler, on the other hand, can be simply moved into your home as an appliance. Many of the air coolers also come with castors, making it more convenient to move them around from one room to another. As you can see that air coolers definitely have their own place in the world. Especially, since they come with such a host of features like silent operation, remote control, multiple speed settings and more. Moreover, nowadays coolers are digitally enhanced and aesthetically pleasing to fit right in.

Whether you call it landscaping fabric, weed block or weed barrier fabric, ask any landscaper or gardener how they feel about its use and they’ll probably have a strong opinion.

Landscape fabric is often promoted as the solution to the bane of every gardener’s existence – weeds. Not only does it supposedly block unwanted weed growth, but best of all, you don’t have to worry about weeding for what seems like years.

Unfortunately, and like with many advertised products, this isn’t exactly true.

Landscaping fabric definitely has its pros and cons when it comes to its use.

Pros of Landscape Fabric

Some of the benefits of using landscaping fabric include:

  • Keeps inorganic mulches like rocks from sinking into the soil.

  • Prevents weed seeds covered by fabric from sprouting.

  • Reduces the need for herbicidal weed control.

  • Works well on slopes where erosion is a problem.

  • Helps the soil retain moisture.

Cons of Landscape Fabric

Some of the cons of using landscaping fabric include:

  • Over time, decomposing particles of mulch and soil clog the perforations in the cloth, which keep adequate amounts of water and air from reaching the plant roots leading to the plant’s decline.

  • Earthworms, which aerate the soil, don’t develop, leading to compacted and unhealthy soil.

  • The fabric acts as a barrier to organic materials biodegrading in the soil, which lead to an unhealthier soil structure.

  • Weeds can still grow in the mulch used to cover the fabric.

  • Landscape fabric is time-consuming to install, especially around existing plantings.

Is Landscape Fabric the Right Choice for Your Project?

If used properly and in the best situations, landscaping fabric does have its benefits, but it does have its drawbacks.

Although it might work for a time in reducing weeds in an area, the unwanted growth eventually rears its ugly head despite the weed barrier.

Over time, you also end up with soil that isn’t as healthy, which can affect your plants and their health.

Something else worth noting: Landscape fabric won’t last forever.

Landscaping fabric generally works as a weed barrier for a year or less before its usefulness starts declining.

In fact, and according to the University of Florida, its long-term use can negatively affect soil and plant health and is best used where ornamental plants aren’t growing like pathways or around mailboxes.

If you travel to the mountains or snowy areas regularly, sooner or later you’re going to have to use tire chains. Start by getting the right set for your vehicle at your local Les Schwab.

Quick-fit chains are not your grandpa’s tire chains. They are MUCH simpler to put on and take off. Here are a video, step-by-step instructions, and driving safety tips for installing quick-fit tire chains on your vehicle.

When you need chains, driving conditions are nasty. Snow is coming down, passing traffic is spraying slush, dirty water is dripping off your wheel wells, the road is slick, and it may be dark. Don’t make this the first time you put on your chains.

  1. Practice installing your new chains once BEFORE you travel. Take advantage of a dry garage or driveway to make sure your winter tire chains are the right size and you’re comfortable putting them on. If needed, the professionals at Les Schwab Tire Centers can help.

  2. Put together a simple winter road trip safety kit with warm gloves, waterproof layers, and other items to make your winter driving more safe and comfortable. In the winter, always carry this emergency kit and tire chains in your vehicle.

Once you’re comfortable installing your chains, you’re ready to hit the snow.

  1. Be Safe. If you’re on the road, pull off as far as possible onto a safe shoulder. Flip on your hazard lights. Put on your waterproof layers, hat, headlamp, and gloves from your winter road trip kit.

  2. Identify the Correct Tires. If your vehicle is front-wheel drive, the chains go on the front. If it’s rear-wheel drive, chains go on the back. If it’s all-wheel drive, please check your owner’s manual. If you’re not sure, you can ask the experts at Les Schwab for help.

  3. Pull Out Chains & Instructions. With your vehicle parked, open the bag and pull out your instructions and your first chain. Each bag comes with two chains. The plastic instruction mat that comes with your chains can be used as a barrier between you and the snow to keep you dry. Untangle Your Chains. Holding them from the plastic-covered cable, make sure everything is straight and the chains are not looped over one another. Hold up your chains so the yellow end is in your left hand and the blue end is in your right.

The mechanical seal is used in a pump, mixer and other mechanical engineering scenarios to contain the fluid within a vessel where a shaft rotates through a stationary (or rotating) housing.

Why is mechanical seal important in this situation? It is because the rotating shaft has to move in a wet environment, but there should not be the leakage of pressurized fluid. Hence, the role of a seal is quite critical.

Does it mean the seal stops the leakage completely? Well, on the practical grounds yes because there is no ‘visible leakage’.

There is a little leakage as the fluid vapors get released into the atmosphere from the faces of the seal, though. Since the quantity is hardly quantifiable, the seals are considered leak proof.

  • The seals do not damage pump sleeve or shaft.

  • Due to inboard springs that get adjusted as the seal faces wear, it is not required to do daily maintenance.

  • Mechanical seals cause less power consumption than gland packing because of the lightly loaded faces.

  • In mechanical seals, the lubricant doesn’t get washed out. Therefore, bearing contamination gets avoided in normal operational conditions.

  • Plant equipment remains corrosion free.

  • Relatively less maintenance and cleaning are required. It makes mechanical seals cost-effective.

  • Oil seals prevent accumulation of dirt in the machine.

This modern Tensionless Relax Dryer is widely used for open and tubular width knit fabrics. This is provided to ensure advanced output with its easy to operate features and high durability. It comes with a fabrics infeed section having different features such as turbine-worm gear box, infeed box, axis roller, pneumatic tension device, etc. The overfeeding roller motility is designed to move frequently and reliably with its easy to operate features. This comes with the overfeeding motion that is precisely controlled by inverter.

This modern Tensionless Relax Dryer is widely used for open and tubular width knit fabrics. This is provided to ensure advanced output with its easy to operate features and high durability. It comes with a fabrics infeed section having different features such as turbine-worm gear box, infeed box, axis roller, pneumatic tension device, etc. The overfeeding roller motility is designed to move frequently and reliably with its easy to operate features. This comes with the overfeeding motion that is precisely controlled by inverter.
The web belt adopts pneumatic fastening to ensure constant tension in the stopping modes of machines. This belt adheres to pneumatic correct system for correcting the path in a reliable way. In addition to this, every belt is accurately managed by separately inverter to ensure adaptable speed. The drying chamber of the machine provides two layers filtering net having 40mesh and stainless steel design. The frame of the machine is developed using high-grade carbon steel square pipe. Moreover, temperature insulated material is also included in the machine for minimizing the energy loss.
The P structured silicon rubber seal is temperature resistant that reduces the heat loss in maximal degree and saves energy even in upper limit. This Tensionless Relax Dryer comes with a section of fabrics exit section that follows motor direction technique. The section comes with plaiting and exit devices.
