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Peptides (from Ancient Greek πεπτός (peptós) 'digested', from πέσσειν (péssein) 'to digest') are short chains of amino acids linked by peptide bonds. Chains of fewer than twenty amino acids are called oligopeptides, and include dipeptides, tripeptides , and tetrapeptides. A polypeptide is a longer, continuous, unbranched peptide chain. Hence, peptides fall under the broad chemical classes of biological polymers and oligomers, alongside nucleic acids, oligosaccharides, polysaccharides, and others. A polypeptide that contains more than approximately fifty amino acids is known as a protein. Proteins consist of one or more polypeptides arranged in a biologically functional way, often bound to ligands such as coenzymes and cofactors, or to another protein or other macromolecule such as DNA or RNA, or to complex macromolecular assemblies. Amino acids that have been incorporated into peptides are termed residues. A water molecule is released during formation of each amide bond. All peptides except cyclic peptides have an N-terminal (amine group) and C-terminal (carboxyl group) residue at the end of the peptide (as shown for the tetrapeptide in the image).

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators or SARMs are a class of androgen receptor ligands that maintain some of the desirable effects of androgens, such as preventing osteoporsis and muscle loss while reducing risks of developing prostate cancer. In the last 1990s, the first nonsteroidal SARM, an analog of bicalutamide, was discovered. They are intended to have the same kind of effects as androgenic drugs, such as anabolic-androgenic steroids, but be more selective in their action. As of early 2020, there are no SARMs which have been approved for therapeutic use by the U.S Food and Drug Administration.

Testosterone is the primary sex hormone and anabolic steroid in males. In humans, testosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as testes and prostate, as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass, and the growth of body hair. In addition, testosterone in both sexes is involved in health and well-being, including moods, behaviour, and in the prevention of osteoporosis. Insufficient levels of testosterone in men may lead to abnormalities including frailty and bone loss. Testosterone is a steroid from the androstane class containing a ketone and a hydroxyl group at positions three and seventeen respectively. It is biosynthesized in several steps from cholesterol and is converted in the liver to inactive metabolites. It exerts its action through binding to and activation of the androgen receptor. In humans and most other vertebrates, testosterone is secreted primarily by the testicles of males[clarification needed] and, to a lesser extent, the ovaries of females. On average, in adult males, levels of testosterone are about seven to eight times as great as in adult females. As the metabolism of testosterone in males is more pronounced, the daily production is about 20 times greater in men. Females are also more sensitive to the hormone. In addition to its role as a natural hormone, testosterone is used as a medication in the treatment of hypogonadism in men and breast cancer in women. Since testosterone levels decrease as men age, testosterone is sometimes used in older men to counteract this deficiency. It is also used illicitly to enhance physique and performance, for instance in athletes. The World Anti-Doping Agency is listing it as S1 Anabolic agent substance "prohibited at all times".

Nandrolone, also known as 19-nortestosterone, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) which is used in the form of esters such as nandrolone decanoate (brand name Deca-Durabolin) and nandrolone phenylpropionate (brand name Durabolin). Nandrolone esters are used in the treatment of anemias, cachexia (wasting syndrome), osteoporosis, breast cancer, and for other indications. They are not used by mouth and instead are given by injection into muscle or fat. Side effects of nandrolone esters include symptoms of masculinization like acne, increased hair growth, voice changes, and decreased sexual desire due to its ability to suppress endogenous testosterone synthesis while not being a sufficient androgen itself. They are synthetic androgens and anabolic steroids and hence are agonists of the androgen receptor (AR), the biological target of androgens like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Nandrolone has strong anabolic effects and weak androgenic effects, which give them a mild side effect profile and make them especially suitable for use in women and children. There are metabolites of Nandrolone that act as long-lasting prodrugs in the body, such as 5α-Dihydronandrolone.

Boldenone (developmental code name RU-18761), is a naturally occurring anabolic–androgenic steroid (AAS) and the 1(2)-dehydrogenated analogue of testosterone. Boldenone itself has never been marketed; as a pharmaceutical drug, it is used as boldenone undecylenate, the undecylenate ester. Like other AAS, boldenone is an agonist of the androgen receptor (AR). The activity of boldenone is mainly anabolic, with a low androgenic potency. Boldenone will increase nitrogen retention, protein synthesis, increases appetite and stimulates the release of erythropoietin in the kidneys. Boldenone was synthesized in an attempt to create a long-acting injectable metandienone, for androgen deficiency disorders. Boldenone acts similar to metandienone with fewer adverse androgenic effects. Although commonly compared to nandrolone, boldenone lacks progesterone receptor interaction and associated progestogenic side effects.

Trenbolone is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) of the nandrolone group which itself was never marketed. Trenbolone ester prodrugs, including trenbolone acetate (brand names Finajet, Finaplix, others) and trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (brand names Parabolan, Hexabolan), are or have been marketed for veterinary and clinical use. Trenbolone acetate is used in veterinary medicine in livestock to increase muscle growth and appetite, while trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate was formerly used clinically in humans but is now no longer marketed. In addition, although it is not approved for clinical or veterinary use, trenbolone enanthate is sometimes sold on the black market under the nickname Trenabol.

Metenolone, or methenolone, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) which is used in the form of esters such as metenolone acetate (brand name Primobolan, Nibal) and metenolone enanthate (brand name Primobolan Depot, Nibal Injection). Metenolone esters are used mainly in the treatment of anemia due to bone marrow failure. Metenolone acetate is taken by mouth, while metenolone enanthate is given by injection into muscle. Side effects of metenolone esters include symptoms of masculinization like acne, increased hair growth, voice changes, and increased sexual desire. Metenolone esters are synthetic androgens and anabolic steroids and hence are agonists of the androgen receptor (AR), the biological target of androgens like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). They have moderate anabolic effects and weak androgenic effects, as well as no estrogenic effects or risk of liver damage. Metenolone esters are androgen esters and prodrugs of metenolone in the body. Metenolone esters were introduced for medical use in the early 1960s. In addition to their medical use, metenolone esters are used to improve physique and performance. The drugs are controlled substances in many countries and so non-medical use is generally illicit. They have mostly been discontinued for medical use and have limited availability.

Drostanolone, or dromostanolone, is an anabolic–androgenic steroid (AAS) of the dihydrotestosterone (DHT) group which was never marketed. An androgen ester prodrug of drostanolone, drostanolone propionate, was formerly used in the treatment of breast cancer in women under brand names such as Drolban, Masteril, and Masteron. This has also been used non-medically for physique- or performance-enhancing purposes.

The Karl Fischer Reagents consist of a solvent Alcohol (ROH), a known concentration of Iodine (I2), a Base (RN) and Sulfur dioxide (SO2). Principle of Reaction. The Bunsen reaction between iodine and sulfur dioxide in an aqueous system is the basis for the Karl Fischer Reagents reactions.

HPLC Reagents is a technique in analytical chemistry used to separate, identify, and quantify each component in a mixture.

Industrial gases are the gaseous materials that are manufactured for use in industry. The principal gases provided are nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, argon, hydrogen, helium and acetylene, although many other gases and mixtures are also available in gas cylinders. The industry producing these gases is also known as industrial gas, which is seen as also encompassing the supply of equipment and technology to produce and use the gases. Their production is a part of the wider chemical Industry (where industrial gases are often seen as "specialty chemicals").

Dust Filter Bag are widely used for the filtration of high temperature waste gas from various industrial furnaces.

Filter paper is a semi-permeable paper barrier placed perpendicular to a liquid or air flow. It is used to separate fine solid particles from liquids or gases.

In addition to the above products, our company also other products for customers to choose from.

Optical brighteners, optical brightening agents (OBAs), fluorescent brightening agents (FBAs), or fluorescent whitening agents (FWAs), are chemical compounds that absorb light in the ultraviolet and violet region (usually 340-370 nm) of the electromagnetic spectrum, and re-emit light in the blue region (typically 420-470 nm) by fluorescence. These additives are often used to enhance the appearance of color of fabric and paper, causing a "whitening" effect; they make intrinsically yellow/orange materials look less so, by compensating the deficit in blue and purple light reflected by the material, with the blue and purple optical emission of the fluorophore. The most common classes of compounds with this property are the stilbenes, e.g., 4,4′-diamino-2,2′-stilbenedisulfonic acid. Older, non-commercial fluorescent compounds include umbelliferone, which absorbs in the UV portion of the spectrum and re-emit it in the blue portion of the visible spectrum. A white surface treated with an optical brightener can emit more visible light than that which shines on it, making it appear brighter. The blue light emitted by the brightener compensates for the diminishing blue of the treated material and changes the hue away from yellow or brown and toward white.

For the human body: (1) No irritation to skin: After years of animal and human tests, it has been shown that even if the skin directly contacts the pure CBS fluorescent whitening agent, it is not irritating to the skin and will not cause skin allergies. Optical brighteners are not absorbed by the skin. Even if the optical brightener CBS may adhere to the skin in a small amount during use, it will not react with human skin, and it is easy to be completely washed off through daily washing activities (such as hand washing, bathing, etc.) and will not be washed by the skin absorb. Therefore, direct skin contact with CBS-added laundry detergent will not cause harm; (2) No adverse effect on wound healing: The article "Toxicological Properties of Fluorescent Whitening Agents" published in "German Dermatology" in 1994 pointed out that even direct contact of optical brightener for textiles with wounds did not adversely affect wound healing or cause pathological changes in human skin; (3) Metabolism: For the fluorescent whitening agent CBS, it can be quickly and completely excreted through normal metabolism. Metabolic studies in mice show that after a large dose of optical brightener for detergents is fed, most of the whitening agent will be quickly excreted through the intestinal tract and will not be absorbed by the intestinal tract. No fluorescent whitening agent remains in its blood, liver, kidney, brain, muscle and fat, that is, it will not cause accumulation in the body. Therefore, even if a small amount of fluorescent whitening agent CBS enters the human body in daily life, it will be quickly excreted through the normal metabolic process; (4) The fluorescent whitening agent CBS has no teratogenicity and no carcinogenicity. Acute toxicity studies on a variety of animals and chronic toxicology experiments in mice for up to two years have proved that CBS is a non-toxic substance, non-teratogenic, non-carcinogenic, and non-mutagenic.

For the environment: (1) CBS has high degradability, and its usage in detergents is not high. After rinsing and dilution and one general treatment of domestic sewage, CBS can be reduced by more than 95%, and the final amount entering the environment is very small. Even if a small amount of water enters surface water (such as rivers), it will undergo photodegradation very quickly, and the products of photodegradation can easily undergo secondary degradation, that is, they are eaten by microorganisms and then decomposed into carbon dioxide and other substances that have no impact on the environment; (2) No effect on the biological chain
CBS fluorescent whitening agent will not stay in biological tissues and organs after being ingested by fish. Laboratory studies have shown that even after fish have been exposed to high concentrations of CBS for a period of time, CBS will not accumulate in the fish for two days. Based on the results of long-term ecological studies, CBS is not harmful to the environment.

Masterbatch (MB) is a solid additive for plastic used for coloring plastics (color masterbatch) or imparting other properties to plastics (additive masterbatch). A liquid dosage form is called liquid color. Masterbatch is a concentrated mixture of pigments and/or additives encapsulated during a heat process into a carrier resin which is then cooled and cut into a granular shape. Masterbatch allows the processor to color raw polymer economically during the plastics process. The alternatives to using masterbatches are buying a fully compounded material (which may be more expensive and less open to e.g. color variability of the product), or compounding from raw materials on site (which is prone to issues with achieving full dispersion of the colorants and additives, and prone to preparing more material than what is used for the production run). In comparison with pure pigments, masterbatches require more storage space and their lead times are longer. Another disadvantage is additional exposure of heat ("heat history") to both the carrier and the additive; this may be important e.g. for marginally thermally stable pigments. As masterbatches are already premixed compositions, their use alleviates the issues with the additive or colorant clumping or insufficient dispersion. The concentration of the additive in the masterbatch is much higher than in the end-use polymer, but the additive is already properly dispersed in the host resin. In a way their use is similar to uses of ferroalloys for adding alloying elements to steels.

The color masterbatch can make the pigment have better dispersibility in the product. During the production process of the color masterbatch, the pigment must be refined to improve the dispersibility and tinting strength of the pigment. The carrier of the special color masterbatch is the same as the plastic of the product, and has good matching, and the pigment particles after heating and melting can be well dispersed in the plastic of the product. It is beneficial to maintain the chemical stability of the pigment. The direct use of the pigment will cause water absorption and oxidation due to the direct contact of the pigment with the air during storage and use. The quality of the pigment can be kept unchanged for a long time. The color masterbatch can ensure that the color of the product is similar to the resin particle, which is more convenient and accurate in measurement, and will not adhere to the container when mixing, and the mixing with the resin is more uniform. Therefore, the stability of the added amount can be ensured, thereby ensuring the stability of the color of the product, etc. The classification methods of color masterbatch are commonly used as follows: Classification by carrier: such as PE masterbatch, PP masterbatch, ABS masterbatch, PVC masterbatch, EVA masterbatch, etc. Classification by use: such as injection masterbatch, blow molding masterbatch, spinning masterbatch, etc. Each variety can be divided into different grades, such as: special black masterbatch for pumping, special black masterbatch for engineering materials, etc.

Intermediates, also known as organic intermediates, are intermediates that use coal tar or petroleum products as raw materials to manufacture dyes, pesticides, medicines, resins, additives, plasticizers, etc. It was originally used to make dyes, so it is also called dye intermediates. o-Chlorobenzoic acid is a mildew inhibitor, it can prevent the clothes from getting moldy and rotting. o-Chlorobenzoic acid is the raw material intermediate for making it. o-Chlorobenzoic acid is an important intermediate in the pesticide, pharmaceutical and dye industries with a wide range of uses. Drugs such as the antipsychotic perphenazine, the adrenomimetic drugs Zenlubenxin and Chuantong, the antifungal drugs clotrimazole, chlorpromazine, ketamine, and diclofenac are standard reagents for alkaline and iodometric methods and are used as adhesives and paint preservatives.

The Wall printer is a kind of vertical inkjet printer that can print large format full-color images in a vertical direction.

The Floor Printer is a unique, full color digital printing machine. The Floor Printer employs UV technology that can print any digital image, on virtually any floor surface — wood, cement, ceramic, tile, asphalt, brick, epoxy, etc.

In addition to the above products, our company also has Wall and Floor Printer which is more convenient for customers to choose from.

permanent marker or indelible marker is a type of marker pen that is used to create permanent or semi-permanent writing on an object. In general, the ink comprises a main carrier solvent, a glyceride, a pyrrolidone, a resin and a colorant,[1] making it water resistant. It is capable of writing on a variety of surfaces from paper to metal to stone. They come in a variety of tip sizes (ultra fine to wide), shapes (chisel point, bullet tip, and wide bristle), and colors (metallic, or ultraviolet reactive). Like spray paint, these markers contain volatile organic compounds which evaporate to dry the ink. Due to compounds such as toluene and xylene often being present in permanent markers, they have a potential for abuse as a recreational drug.

Art Marker Pen features a fine nylon brush tip for a truly beautiful application, and colour can be applied as accurately or freely as you wish, as you can work it with water afterwards to achieve amazing blended results!

Whiteboard Markers are non-permanent markers and use erasable inks that adhere to the writing surface without binding to or being absorbed by them.

Liquid Chalk Marker are a legendary blend of old-fashioned chalk and modern markers. They are made to be used just like paint pens but instead of producing paint, the liquid dries to look just like chalk.

When used for acrylic painting, acrylic paint pens can help with adding highlights, lines, fine details, and text to paintings. They are great for use in abstract art, pop art, and graphic design art projects too! They can be used not only on canvas but also on wood, glass, ceramics, furniture, metal, paper, foam board, rocks, and even vinyl too!

fabric marker contains permanent color (dye, paint or ink) that is designed to not wash out of clothing or fade with washing. A regular marker pen labeled "permanent" will likely not wash out either, but these don't come in as many colors as fabric markers do.

Electric scooters have brushless direct current (BLDC) electric motors that are built into the hub of wheels. Electric scooters have been around for longer than one would think. At first, they were mostly tailored to Electric Scooter for Kids and it's only in recent years that the trend for Electric Scooter for Adult has seen a massive increase. Unlike hoverboards or segways, electric scooters are here to stay. And it's easy to understand why that is so, due to their many benefits and upsides.

Outdoor playground equipment is a great choice for all kinds of settings. Whether in an urban park or a tree-lined school field, Playworld has constructed children's outdoor play equipment for a wide variety of locations. In addition to our experience, we also have many options for organizations to find what will work best for them.

Indoor playground equipment is not entirely different from outdoor structures, but they are generally smaller, softer, and more modular. Adding interactive fun and creative play to stores, daycares, restaurants, preschools, parks, places of worship, and even homes, the different types of indoor playground equipment are designed to teach children cooperation, sharing, coordination, and imaginative games. They differ by size, type, targeted age group, skill, and modularity.

The Roma Gazebo features a strong steel construction that brings style and shade to your outdoor space. Its square design allows for a wide variety of entertaining uses and can comfortably accommodate chairs and tables. The double roof gives extra height and ventilation, whilst the canopy offers excellent shelter from sun.

Folding Gazebo can be a great addition to you establishment or home. They come in different sizes to fit any open area. For instance, the smaller models, such as the 8x8 gazebo, will look great in small gardens. On the other hand, if space is not an issue for you, then you may want to try larger models, such as the 10x10 gazebo, the 10x12 gazebo, and the 12x20 gazebo. No matter how big or small your garden might be, we can find the right gazebo just for you.

Glider Swing is a type of rocking chair that moves as a swing seat, where the entire frame consists of a seat attached to the base by means of a double-rocker four-bar linkage. The non-parallel suspension arms of the linkage cause the chair to simulate a rocking-chair motion as it swings back and forth.

An awning or overhang is a secondary covering attached to the exterior wall of a building. It is typically composed of canvas woven of acrylic, cotton or polyester yarn, or vinyl laminated to polyester fabric that is stretched tightly over a light structure of aluminium, iron or steel, possibly wood or transparent material (used to cover solar thermal panels in the summer, but that must allow as much light as possible in the winter). The configuration of this structure is something of a truss, space frame or planar frame. Awnings are also often constructed of aluminium understucture with aluminium sheeting. These aluminium awnings are often used when a fabric awning is not a practical application where snow load as well as wind loads may be a factor.

BBQ Gazebo is a small covered shelter, typically 8 ft wide and 5-6 ft deep, that houses your grill and keeps all your tools and supplies organized and close at hand. The solid roof allows you to grill comfortably while being protected from hot summer rays or inclement weather.

Corridor Gazebo for homes or buildings are available as a temporary, retractable awning structure that folds away when not in use.

Milan Gazebo is an attractive addition for your backyard; it can be utilized as a cool retreat from the lazy hazy days of summer, a smoking shelter or a private getaway.

gazebo is a freestanding, open garden structure, sometimes hexagonal or octagonal in shape, with a roof. Most gazebos are constructed of wood or metal and have built-in seating inside the sheltered area. To add a sense of enclosure and privacy, latticework or outdoor curtains or drapes are sometimes used.

The first decision you have to make when buying an Outdoor Umbrella is what style you want. Your outdoor space constraints, furniture layout and expected usage can all factor into which style is right for you. Even after considering all of these variables, your own personal taste is the final determinant.

Umbrella Light can enable you to achieve a softer lighting in your images. So instead of letting light directly focus on the subject, the umbrella bounces off the light in different directions. The result is a clearer image with softer shadows—or no shadows at all.

Used Clothes, after all, are the recycling of used and/or unwanted clothes, including Used Summer Clothes and Used Winter Clothes, and this reciprocal buy/sell/trade transaction between the customer and the retailer saves an incalculable amount of unwanted clothing from dumps and landfills.

Used Shoes are often priced significantly lower than brand new styles, even with little to no wear.

Buying used kicks can be a good way to build up a sneaker collection for less cost. Often times brand new pairs of a sneaker simply aren't available anymore. When building up a collection often one wants to add some heat into the mix, which may involve picking up older pairs that have become hard to find. If you want certain specific pairs, getting used sneakers might still be the only option.

In addition to the above products, we also have Used Mixed Shoes and Used Bags for customers to choose from.

Adult Toys are objects people use to have more pleasure during sex or masturbation. Sometimes adult toys can also have medical uses if you have a sexual dysfunction or medical condition. They can also be called Toys For CoupleFemale Toys are sex toys for women, while Male Toys are for men, and all of them can make sex have more fun.

Massager is the use of massage techniques to increase arousal and/or achieve orgasm.

Deep Tissue Massage Gun is a handheld tool that limbers muscles by providing rapid mini bursts of pressure in concentrated pulses.

Our company also produces Body Massager for customers to choose from.
